Portrait of Britain

The Martinex Family – Belize / Scotland, Photographer – Arpita Shah

Portrait of Britain is art featuring the public on an unprecedented scale. Organised by the British Journal of Photography and in conjunction with JCDecaux the exhibition will be displayed across digital screens in rail, retail, and roadside locations nationwide. 100 portraits have been selected, confronting the public with a reflection of themselves as they go about their daily business.

Envisaged as an exhibition ‘by the people, of the people, for the people’, Portrait of Britain was initiated as an open call for photographs that celebrate the country’s unique heritage and diversity. Selected from nearly 4000 entries, the winning 100 portraits capture young and old reflecting not just the multiformity of British people, but also the myriad of styles and approaches to contemporary photographic portraiture.

Dave Okumu, Photographer – Phil Sharp
Forever Boys : Jim, Photographer – Dylan Collardunnamed-13
Nadiya Hussain, Photographer – Mark Harrison
Sophie Shine, Photographer – Phil Sharp
Tina, Paul & baby Harleigh, Photographer – Chris Donovan
The winning images from this ground-breaking exhibition can be seen at portraitofbritain.ukand many of them will be available to buy as art prints from gallery.portraitofbritain.uk