Fun Ways To Pass The Time On Tube Journeys


Credit: Pixabay

Tube travel has never been much fun. Nobody likes cramming into a tube carriage like a sardine, with what seems like half of London, in order to attend a job that they probably hate. However, WiFi is now freely available at over 250 stations across London. So, while you may still have to wait ages for your connection, at least you can attempt to mitigate your crippling boredom. Anywhere you see the ‘WiFi Zone’ logo, you’ll get coverage from the moment you enter the station through to the moment your train leaves the platform.

Here are our recommendations for what you can do while you’re counting down to the next tube’s arrival.

Eyes Down

There are so many games to choose from that we can’t really ever legitimately claim boredom if we have enough charge on our mobile phone. As well as all the downloadable apps, you can also play real money games like bingo at sites like Pocketwin. Bingo’s a great game to play during a tube commute as the games are very fast-moving and can be played in just a few minutes.

They also don’t require much concentration from the player, which is great for when you’re standing on a crowded tube platform. Next time you’re waiting for your connection at Canada Water or Stepney Green, you might land a win that pays for your next big night out. With Pocketwin, you can even make a bingo deposit by phone bill, meaning you don’t have to share any payment card details as the deposit is simply added to your next phone bill.

Learn a Language

Atypical welcome

Atypical welcome” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by quinn.anya

Free time with WiFi can be put to great use if you want to learn a new skill – such as speaking another language. If you’ve already booked a summer holiday, make the most of winter commutes to brush up on speaking the local lingo for your chosen destination. A few minutes’ study each day is often better than spending an hour once a week – it’s that regular exposure to a language that really helps you make progress. Apps such as DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone allow you to work through a language at any level, and work at your own pace. If you’re refreshing a language you’re already familiar with, tube commuter time is also perfect for listening to podcasts or radio broadcasts in your chosen

Find Some Calm

Commuting can be stressful, so if you can use an app that helps you find a sense of peace even with the hubbub all around you, that has to be a good thing. There are lots of different meditation sites and mindfulness apps which give you five-minute exercises to follow. It’s far more restful than just sitting there observing the mad rush around you. Try Headspace which provides you with ten-minute taster sessions to learn how to meditate effectively.


‘Take Yourself to Another Place While Commuting’. Credit: Pixabay

Few people relish their commute to work, but at least it’s become marginally more fun thanks to the introduction of so many WiFi zones. Plus, the huge number of entertainment options that we have on our smartphones. The hours you spend on the move no longer mean staring into space or into the next person’s back; they can be as productive or as entertaining as you want them to be.