London to be host to the biggest singles event in UK

There’s going to be almost 1,000 singles at this summer festival.

It’s hard, in August, to know how to go about the dating game if you’re single.  June and July were oh-so-promising; the rooftop Saturday nights in beautiful group company; the lingering drinks with that lady ever so slightly out of your league. But those opportunities have deflated like the blow-up swan your mate mounted and ruined in Mykonos. Onwards to real prospects.

What you need is a singles party. But a maverick one. Something al fresco (you’ve got to make the most of the fleeting sun after all). Something with energy (Wimbledon is over, the football’s to come – there has to be something to fill the gap). Something effective (with the number of days you can now take someone for rooftop cocktails on the wane, you want to meet someone with potential).  Where vapid conversation over composting cocktails are not abundant. But attractive, professional, switched-on singles are. And something you don’t need to take annual leave to attend – or recover from.

In which case, sashay your way over to The Inner Circle’s Summer Polo Cup – the only sunny Saturday dating event where arousal piques freely around sexily manicured lawns and the scent of pummelled leather.

A real sporting event with qualified singles, watch alumni polo players smash mallets while 750 glamorous young professionals – including you – flirt and sway the day and night away to the soundtrack of DJ Per Pederson and Saxophonist Chris Sharp (minstrel of the Monaco Grand Prix) in a verdant Richmond setting.

It’s fresh, it’s exciting, and it’s guaranteed to stop you feeling as though the dog days of summer have got the better of your dating life.

Get your tickets at The Inner Circle by registering for free today.