The social net of Britain seems to be falling apart. Brexit has a negative influence on the Tory government: it suffocates social institutions and causes failure of prisons and general welfare. There are homeless shelters in every town of Britain, hardly do citizens realize that their work has been affected by the recent Brexit politics. Now, people are shivering with cold lying on the streets. The news is full of warnings about severe weather and unpredicted low temperatures. Local politicians discuss the issue of homelessness and try to find the ways to fight it, while the charity organizations stay quiet.
It is the standard duty of the government to take challenges and keep an order in the institutions across the country, find solutions to the urgent problems and support citizens who are in need. Since the announcement of the referendum, Brexit has been taking away all the oxygen from political parties and took away the ability to handle any kind of problem. None has expected such a deadlocked project to create so much instability in the country. Astonishingly the political powers are entirely amorphous and unable to respond to upcoming problems.
There is a big crisis in prison service of Britain. It is the brightest example of the present ineffective policies. It is beyond imagination in the modern state to lock people up in places with poor sanitary conditions and extremely low basic safety. Today, prisoners burst into violence that results in self-harm and often attacks. The records signify the highest level of unstable behavior of prisoners since the beginning of Brexit. The conditions in Nottingham jail has deteriorated to the mark when prisoners find themselves in danger of death. It is most invisible service that has little contact with the wider population, and even a modern country might fail at it, but the chaos is spreading even wider.
The member of the Local Governmental Association, who represents Conservative party Gary Porter claimed that at the beginning of this month children’s services would see a 2bn pound shortfall until 2020. The central funding will be cut down by half in the next two years and almost eliminated by the end of the decade. These cuts happen at the time when homeless and children need care and support.
A great number of politicians start to speak up against Brexit. Among them is Owen Jones. He says that there are so many problems Britain has to tackle but can’t do it because of Brexit crisis. The matters that should be discussed are a housing crisis, low wages, and insecure jobs.
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