Very often in the world of games and apps elements such as simplicity and conciseness make the difference and give more reward, in addition to a good implementation of the site. This is how it happened for example for the creation of Swipe Light, a smartphone and tablet game.
A very nice novelty developed over the last two years and released on the market a few months ago and which in a few days climbed user rating, taking the title of bestseller. Without any notion of computer science, documenting online and communicating only via Skype, Sirus Baladi and Matteo D’Elia have developed an app as simple as it is captivating and hypnotic.
The game is very simple, you drag a pointer through a labyrinth that lights up as you go along. The attention required is maximum and the adrenaline rushes, thanks also to the use of strategic music. As you ride through levels the way narrows and the path becomes more tortuous.
New apps inspired from traditional games
You do not need great graphics and extraordinary special effects to create a successful game, Swipe Light is the clear proof. The game is simple, so are the colors and graphics. So much so that many times we can find games on the AppStore that reminds us old arcade games. In these days, this happens more and more often because people who download an app are looking for simple entertainment that does not involve great effort, but lots of fun instead.
It is somehow the same logic present in online gambling, more and more often played via smartphone or tablet, instead of desktop. Gaming Apps and sites are simple, because what really matters is to keep the level of concentration on the game high, even if you are not at the casino, but in a digital version like this The list of games is wide and varied and there are many types of games, what remains unchanged is the simplicity for the user who can play and manage his profile comfortably from a mobile device. Simplicity in this sector goes hand-to-hand with safety.
Play safely
A smartphone today is not just a phone, but also a safe full of personal data. It is for this reason that it is of fundamental importance to refer to secure online stores and safe websites. It takes very little, in fact, to download viruses or to be vulnerable to hackers, so check the security of the site before playing or submitting your data. If it is Apple AppStore or Android PlayStore, there is no problem because normally the platform itself verifies every downloadable content, but when it comes to other services things change. The same applies to online gaming sites, where it is advisable to look for the symbol of aams, the Customs and Monopoly Agency, which monitors on the sites and checks that everything is in place for the protection of the players.