With the emerge of the internet, many of us believe that it is going to be the death of print marketing. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. and other new technologies have become an easy way to market your business. These are one of the best sources for marketing your products, websites, and services. But still the print marketing material still popular in east London. Because print marketing still has its advantages. We know that digital marketing strategy has many great benefits but still, print marketing is thriving. Here are the top reasons that can explain:
Consumers in East London Believe Print Marketing
One of the reasons for a business to gain the trust of its customers is through print marketing. We know that almost every person has easy access to the internet these days. But people believe more in print ads of a business because they think that is more trustworthy and credible than internet ads. One of the main reasons is because online marketing is full of viruses, spam, malware and other kind of malign aspects. That is why; people think twice before clicking on an ad.
Print Subscriptions
Most of the platforms have moved to digital media instead of printing. But people still have magazine subscriptions that contain advertisements. Moreover, there are only 9% of people who like to pay for online subscription. But people who still want to pay for a print subscription is 16%.
Easy to Read
Another reason people still like the print media because they find it easier to read. Maybe the new generation will move to digital media. But they also think that the readability of printed marketing is better. Consumers are not very easy to read on a digital device. They feel distracted and find themselves unable to read the information they need. While on a newspaper, a person just needs to flip the pages to read.
Information Retention
When it comes to creative thinking, the information retention on the paper is still very good. Moreover, a study explains that a student can perform better in tests reading from paper rather than digital devices. Moreover, the information you read from a newspaper has a more detailed memory. These reasons make the Same day printing London, one of the effective forms of advertising. But, when it comes to digital ads, there is an option to skid ads, that is why there is not much information retention. While browsing online, a person can easily ignore the ads but on print media, it is not easy to skip the ads.
Supermarkets Make Million from Printing Catalogues
A recent study shows that supermarkets are still making millions of sales through printed catalogue. Not only that, even the small business is using it to advertise their business. Because it is not easy to ignore the ads on a printed material.
People Mostly Ignore the Digital Mail
A digital mail send to your email address is mostly ignored by the consumer. So, if a business is relying only on digital media to advertise its products, then it is losing a lot of opportunities.