For many professionals, working in company premises has become so last year! For many companies, on the other hand, hiring remote employees helps cut down spending, gives staff the freedom to work wherever they want and makes it easier to headhunt remote talent that may not be able to commute. Remote work is quickly gaining popularity among today’s generations, and it seems to be doing well in contrast with the old, classic ways the world did business.
That being said, if you’ve made the decision to join the trend, you’ll need to set up your home office space in a way that will encourage productivity and efficiency for a comfortable and successful work from home experience. From your desk and chair for a dependable computer and trusted software, you have to plan your workspace well for smooth operations.
In this article, we shed some light on the possible budget-friendly tools that you can use to get your home office ready for business.
Office Space
When you initially invested in your home, you may have not yet decided on working remotely. Accordingly, you might want to turn an existing room into your business office or extend your house by creating new spaces. While the first option may be easier, for it would only require shuffling around some furniture and adding a couple of items, the second choice may need a little more investment.
If you’re creating a new office room on a budget, you will need to figure out roughly how much it would cost, and carefully plan your finances. If you don’t currently have the resources, then taking out a loan to do this might be a good idea – think of it as the initial investment in the new chapter of your professional career. Depending on your credit history, it may be hard to find a loan with a bad credit score. However, personal loans for those with bad credit are offered by lenders who look at the big picture. So, weigh your options first, and plan how you’ll make your payments.
Work Desk
Contrary to popular belief, not everyone is forced to work on a “work desk” for thousands of people use the dining table and other surfaces to get work done. Before rushing to an expensive office supply shop for a large desk, examine the existing items in your home that may be turned into one!
To successfully turn an existing piece of furniture into a part of your office, you’ll have to keep in mind a few things. The height of the table surface in contrast with the seat you’ll be using may be the most important factor, for the last thing you want is to strain your neck and back by sitting wrong with a chair and table that don’t fit well together. Make sure that the furniture you’ll use for hours at your computer allows you to sit comfortably straight, with ample space for your other items like a notebook, a mouse, your calculator, and whatever tools you need when you work.
The Chair
In addition to leveling properly with your desk or table, your chair has to offer proper back support, and obviously, be generally comfortable for you to sit. Depending on your line of work, you may have to sit for long periods of time. Accordingly, the existing (or new chair) you’re assigning as your work seat should allow for your body to be well aligned, with enough cushioning for comfort.
Bear in mind that an expensive chair doesn’t necessarily have to cost an arm and a leg, for people come in different sizes, shapes and lengths – it’s all about how your body relaxes in the seat. The best way to decide on your chair is to sit on it and really position yourself for work and see how it makes you feel.
While anyone working from home needs a computer, not all offices have to have printers, scanners, and copy machines. With today’s technological advances, almost everything can be done online, so don’t go off buying all that additional equipment that you might not need in the first place. Besides, using paper is bad for the environment, so make going green another motive for you.
As for your computer, and depending on the requirements of your job, a desktop or a laptop can both work. Obviously, you’ll need to invest in a portable laptop if you frequently have to visit clients and present your work. If your work is more home-based and communication through calls and email will suffice, then a stationary desktop shouldn’t be an issue. You will also consider the specs and power of your machine. For instance, graphic designers and sound engineers need more powerful computers with ample storage space that can handle heavy software, while writers and translators work with lighter word processing software that doesn’t really need too much space or a superior processor.
While setting up your home office space on a budget, we urge you to try and get as creative with your resources as possible. After carefully examining the items you already have at home, and figuring out ways to put them to use, a good idea would be to barter with friends and neighbors, exchanging items you no longer need for things you could make part of your office. Hitting one dollar shops for basic items like pens, filing cabinets, and bulletin boards, or thrift stores for an extra table or drawer set units would also significantly help you save as you add the final touches to your office.
It may also be good to brush up on your DIY skills for assembling furniture, moving things around, or decorating your new space to be more inspiring and motivational for work. Instead of paying decorators or furniture assemblers, you may get a whole other sense of satisfaction knowing that you’ve accomplished this yourself.
While working at home may sound challenging at first, what with all the distractions and temptations of television or spending time with the family, it gets a lot easier when you shut the door and dedicate some solid hours of productivity every day. You can also take a snack break and make your way over to your own kitchen whenever you feel like it!