If you want to leave everything to the last minute when planning to move, we can honestly tell you that it’s a terrible idea. No matter how organized and efficient you might be, and no matter how much help you might get, moving is never an easy task. The earlier and better you plan for the move, the easier it will be.
If you’re moving during the summer, the holidays, or during vacations, having kids at home can complicate things. And if you’re moving during winter or fall, weather conditions can affect the process tremendously. Also, having to do everything while working at the same time, or having young kids in school and not wanting belongings to be scattered around, not knowing what is where can certainly be a nightmare.
So here are some things to do before the move.
Two months prior
Start searching for a company that will handle the move. You might have heard about a company through word-of-mouth, or you might want to do an online search. Either way, you want to find a reputable company, so read reviews and also get some quotes so you can compare prices. After that, start decluttering your home. There’s no point in moving items that you won’t need or are planning to replace in your new home. Besides that, no one wants to enter a new place with lots of old clutter. It’s going to be a lot easier to de-clutter while packing than while unpacking. Less to pack means less to move, which ultimately means you’ll be cutting down on a few costs as well.
One month prior
You can start by getting all the packing material you’ll be needing, like boxes, box cutters, adhesive tape, permanent markers, packing tape, foam, etc. It’s really never too early to start packing away some items. Obviously, that would mean packing your least used ones. If it’s summertime, you can pack away heavy blankets or quilts. Or, if all of your china and tableware are outside, but you can manage with just some essentials, those items can also be packed and put out of the way. Make sure that you have different sized boxes. Your heavier items like books should be in the smaller boxes, while lighter weight items go into bigger boxes. Even professional movers have a hard time moving heavy big boxes, so whether you’ll be using professionals or you’re a DIY person, you should follow this basic rule of thumb.
As you finish each box, don’t forget to label it, so you know what’s inside. That’s why it is best to pack one room at a time rather than packing different items from different rooms in a box. Another thing to think about is packing to unpacking, which means keep the rooms in your new place in mind while packing so that the unpacking process goes a lot smoother. Clearly, some items cannot just be chucked into a box; they need special care. For instance, don’t stack your dishes, but pack them upright, each one wrapped in packing paper and separated by foam or towels or anything that will provide some sort of padding between the items and around the inside of the box. You can pack a bundle of plates at the same time, and just use more packing paper to protect the bundle. If you have some precious artwork, you could arrange with movers for special types of crates. Sometimes movers will consider your TV screen as just another part of the furniture, so you’ll want to make sure that you make movers aware of various special items.
One to two weeks prior
It’s the final countdown! By this time, you should have arranged for a thorough cleaning of the house or apartment you’re leaving. If you’ve been renting, you want to leave the place as clean as it was when you first entered it, and superficial cleaning won’t do. In cities like London, a tenant may not receive their deposit or bond money back if they don’t leave the residence in a clean and presentable manner. Most end of tenancy cleaning London locals have been utilizing this and understand their responsibility very well in making sure the residence undergoes deep cleaning prior to a move. Via a live chat, you can get a free quote on the pricing and easily reserve your day. While a reputable company will often be able to provide you with cleaners even at short notice, it’s still best you reserve a bit in advance, and the cleaning better be done around a week before you leave. At this time, all your boxes should have been packed, and the only things remaining are some personal items and your valuables, like cash, jewelry, and important documents, which need to be with you at all times during the move. You can also confirm the moving date with your movers, and if you’re planning to take a day off from work, this is the time to confirm that too.
A day prior
Probably the most important thing to do today is to pack a small overnight bag of the things you will need immediately once you move into your new house or flat. That would include your personal toiletry, and perhaps a small box of some kitchen appliances like the electric kettle or coffee maker. Overnight bags are going to be crucial, especially if you have a family, or if you’ve arranged to arrive at your new place earlier than the movers. Overnight bags should contain things to keep you going for at least a couple of days.
When you’re moving, check off every accomplished task one by one. Go with the flow and be ready and flexible for mistakes that can happen. It’s normal that things will be chaotic for a while, which is why moving is always noted as a stressful period. It will seem like one endless ordeal, but eventually it will get done. And with these tips, it can get done more efficiently, and you can remain calm.