Flowery men by Aleksandra Kingo

Why do we think that flowers are not macho? What exactly is macho anyway? Artist Aleksandra Kingo asks these questions with her new quirky photographs which match male models with bright coloured flowers. Her exploration of colour and the idea of “macho” in our society led her to this new project that challenges our view of the male gender. In this age of gender equality, freedom of expression, and self-identity there really is no way to challenge the idea that flowers can be a part of the “macho identity.”

Each of her photographs show a good-looking male model covered in bright flowers. Kingo creates a perfect composition between the tattooed skin of the models and the flowers. Her pictures are witty and attractive to the eye, but they also make us question what we think of the male identity. Hopefully this project will make viewers realize that the “macho” identity (or any identity for that matter) is made and defined by each of us. “Macho” is not a set definition one must adapt to, it can be whatever we want or whatever we want to see.

The series of pictures carry a powerful message, but they are also very aesthetic in their composition and colour.