Hygge: Cosy Things to do at Home

When you are in a mood to be cozy and to be in a slow and comfortable present, you are in what is called a Hygge state of mind. The word originates from the Danish language and has over a period of time come to describe a state of contentment and comfort in the western culture. Simply put, it signifies the state of enjoying simple pleasures of life.

Why was Hygge Created?

Hygge was embraced as part of culture primarily to kill boredom and at times loneliness. It was to escape monotony and celebrate life along with acknowledging the beauty of living through its simplicity. In short, it developed as a need to lift one’s spirits during winters and gradually became ingrained in the culture of the western world.

Best Time for Hygge

The perfect time to be in this mood and state of life is holidays at home with family. Usually, it’s during the closing time of the year when as a society we look at renewing our spirits and start life afresh rejuvenated in the coming calendar year. This can be done either with close family or with very intimate friends.

What to do in Hygge?

  • Spend quality time with family and friends
  • Get closer to nature
  • Enjoy good food and drinks
  • Learn a new art, like cooking
  1. Spending Quality Time with Family and Friends

The core principle of Hygge is togetherness. Most of the activities during this time of appreciating the small and simple things that make up life are built around this concept. This, however, does not mean partying. For instance, to go around attending parties or hosting big get-togethers defeats the whole purpose. Hygge is all about spending some really good quality time with people whose company helps you distress. This could mean having your supper surrounded by your favorite people or just watching the NFL finals with them TV.

  1. Minimalism

This is another unique feature of Hygge. In other words, keep things simple by removing the clutter. Your immediate surroundings should please your eyes and calm your body. The home should look warm and clean. For instance, remove objects that you don’t enjoy seeing every day. Similarly, remove the furniture and gadgets that have outlived their utility. Donate old clothes to the needy, toys to an orphanage, books to a library. Buy new stuff. Purchase good quality things.

  1. Decoration with Candles and Fairy Lights

Place a lot of candles in small groups of 4 to 6 so that they can replace artificial lights during the night. Bulbs and ceiling lights make the environment unreal and artificial. Candlelight brings hope, takes you closer to nature and allows you to pause and reflect on life. In addition, sprinkle the house with fairy lights. Similarly, light up corners; place a string on the center table or around the bookshelf. They will help create the magic of romance.

  1. Spend Time at the Fireplace

Another cosy things to do at home is up the fireplace in your living room. If there is no fireplace, just set up a couple of candles and enjoy a drink with some grilled sausages. The soft glow of the candles will help you romance with life as it represents warmth and intimacy.

  1. Spa Style Bathroom

Hygge demands a spa-style bathroom. When you go for your morning shower, the place should be relaxing and refreshing. In addition, keep the space clutter-free and decorate it with lots of fragrance giving objects. For instance, place aromatic candles on the shelves. Finally, after finishing the refreshing shower enjoy a good healthy home-cooked breakfast.

  1. Connect with Nature

Bring nature inside your home by growing plants. If there isn’t space to garden them, buy potted plants and place them in your living room and wherever you spend most of your time. Develop an interest in gardening and start caring for your plant. For instance, water them every day and prune them regularly. Plants give energy and keep you calm.

  1. Beautiful Crockery

Crockery is an important element of décor. Set up your home with nice ceramic crockery in the glass door almirahs and crockery trunks. Wash them with hot water and place them on the dining table warm.

  1. Feel Cozy with Furniture and Clothes
  • Use fancy curtains, rich colored rugs and buy some cool clothes.
  • Buy a sheepskin rug for the living and study room.
  • Put up fancy curtains. In addition, use fancy curtain holders.
  • Purchase blankets with fluffy inner linings.
  • Shop for furry slippers and shoes.
  1. Look of the House
  • Calm and serene colors
  • Textured walls and linen
  • Creatively display memories like family photos
  • Innovatively recycle waste
  • Use antique furniture
  1. Learn Cooking

Develop an interest in cooking. Clean up the oven and start baking cakes and muffins. Serve them with wine to your near and dear ones when you sit in their company in the living room. In addition, pick up some new recipes from the Television or join an online cooking class. Home-cooked food is so much more fun always than precooked meals bought from a store. After all, cooking will help you slow down the pace of life.

  1. Disconnect from Work and Social Media

Hygge is all about being in the present. For this, you need to be disconnected from the world. Stop checking your phone, attend to only very urgent calls and suspend your social media accounts temporarily. This time is all about being with yourself only, living each moment slowly and simply.


In conclusion, Hygge is all about falling in love with oneself. Moreover, the philosophy behind it is to pamper yourself, slow down the pace of life and realize the world will not stop if you spend quality time. Above all, look for the small priceless moments by ignoring the big picture. Enjoy the occasions you spend with people who you care for. Hygge gives the opportunity to find time to celebrate life. Acknowledge what we have and be grateful for getting the opportunity to live with our loved ones. So if you are in a mood to Hygge, just decorate your home with your favorite colors, display a lot of personal memories, cozy up the ambiance and snuggle up in an antique armchair with furry cushions.