The benefit of essential oils

Volatile or ethereal oil the other name of the essential oil is a type of liquid obtained from aromatic plants. The name essential oil strongly recommends the essence found in the fragrant plants. It is because this actually represents the flavor and the odor. 

One has to use the process distillation to extract the essential oils. The other processes like steaming, expressing, extracting the solvent, and the oil, tapping the resin, and cold – squeezing are done consecutively. 

The use of essential oils in aromatherapy is outstanding. Today the benefit of essential oils labels it as an alternative form of medicine. The plus side is that it can heal any kind of skin issue. Additionally, use it to unwind mentally and uplift emotional states as well.  Therefore, in this article, we will learn many facts related to the benefit of using the essential oil. 

Essential oils for face:

The very first benefit of the essential oil is that you can use it on the face. But you have to know the time of using the same. For that just make sure that your face is free of any makeup. You can use the same by adding a few drops to your night cream or lotion. If you want, you can use it without blending with any cream as well. So you got the answer that the best time to use it is during the night- time. Also, remember that during the night it helps to revitalize the skin. 

Essential oil good for lips:

Many of you have dark cracked lips. But do you know why it is because the upper layer of the lips gets damaged because it is very thin? Therefore, if you want to get that pink shaded lips then make sure to use the essential oils on a daily basis. Doing so, you actually hydrate the lips especially the oil- glands. Definitely, the essential oil makes your lips glossy as well. For lips, you can use the essential oils of ginger, clove, camomile, cardamom, and the peppermint.

  • Essential oils for eyes:

See essential oils are actually heavier in texture, therefore it is not advisable to use the essential oil for the eye areas. It is because the portion in and around the eyes is very delicate. So if you use the essential oils it will lead to irritation, tingling and burning feel. But one plus side is that essential oils are good for treating the pink eye problem. But in that case, don’t just use it alone, make sure that you prepare it with water vapor. 

  • Essential oils for oily skin:

There is a myth for oily skin that oil is not congenial for this particular skin type. However, the introduction of the essential oils proved it wrong. Helichrysum, a type of essential oil is the best for treating acne. The exciting fact is that this essential oil is ancient oil.  On the oily skin, the essential oils act as Essential, antibacterial and antimicrobial as well. At the same time helps to reduce scars as well. Additionally boosts the growth of fresh cells.  

For oily skin, you can use the lemongrass because it comes with astringent features. On top of that helps to keep the production of sebum under control. It also helps to wipe off the toxins from the skin. But you need to mindfully dilute the oil in the proper ratio. Precisely just use the essential oil of your desired quantity with filtered water. Then mix it in a spray bottle. Shake it well and use it easily as a mist sprayer. 

You can also take the help of the lotus oils as well. It unclogs the skin of oil and also softens it at once. 

  • Essential oils to treat the aging process:

The underlined essential oil called Rose Otto is the best for treating aging of the skin. It moisturizes the skin. At the same time protects the skin from bacteria and fungus. The antioxidant-rich essential oil will help to grow newer cells. That will actually add a healthy and fresh glow to the skin. You can dilute the same with jojoba oil. The jojoba is the best carrier oil. It also balances the natural sebum generation of the skin. 

  • Essential oil for the dry skin:

Dry skin is those, which lack moisture. To prevent the dehydrated look you can use hazelnut oil. The oil actually reduces the signs of fine lines. It also makes the skin look smoother and supplier. The best about hazelnut is that it prevents skin dehydration. It also offers the best protection of the skin from free radicals. The rich presence of Vitamin E, Omega 9 helps to soothe and soften the skin.

  • Essential oils for the sensitive skin:

Sensitive skin needs treatment as well. And nothing is better than the essential oil. The tea tree oil and lavender essential oils are the best to treat sensitive skin. Anti-inflammatory in nature the oil prevents any kind of acne or pus formation. In addition to that, it also heals skin irritation. The best part is that it also improves blood circulation. 

  • Essential oils for the body:

You can also use the essential oil for the body as well. It is very beneficial because it is anti-inflammatory in nature. For the body, you can use the lavender oil and the tea tree oil. The best about these essential oils is that it does not need any carrier oil for diluting. You can use the oil for body massage. In addition to that, it can infuse that with soaps, bathing gels and body lotions. One more thing is that it helps to relax both the body and mind. 

  • Essential oil for wounded skin:

Yes, definitely you can use the essential oil for the irritated skin. And for that, you can always rely on one oil that is the lavender. This dynamic essential oil is best for treating irritation. It also helps to reduce bleeding of skin as well. 

Final words:

These are the top most benefits that you can reap from the essential oils.