Today, a lot more attention is focused on the issue of erectile dysfunction (ED) than at any point in the past. In particular there are discussions surrounding whether it is impacting a larger proportion of men in their 20s and 30s, rather than predominantly being a condition that affects older generations.
Rather than speculating or relying on anecdotal evidence, the only way to get a clear answer is to drill down into the facts.
Research revelations
While it may seem like ED is becoming more common in younger men at the moment, in reality this is simply a side effect of more research being carried out.
Recent studies have shown that as many as a quarter of men aged under 40 have experienced some form of ED.
It is also the case that it is much easier for men of all ages to talk about this problem and seek treatment, with products like Viagra and Sildenafil being made available in the UK without the need for a prescription.
The upshot of this is that experts have concluded that a person’s age will roughly correlate to the likelihood that they will suffer from ED to a greater or lesser extent. So for example, a 20 year old man has around a 20 percent chance of experiencing it, while a 50 year old man has a 50 per cent chance and so on.
Root causes
The good news for younger men who are concerned that they may be afflicted by sexual impotence is that there are lifestyle factors that carry a greater weight in determining its prevalence.
For example, men under 40 who have ED are more likely to be smokers or drug users that those in older age groups.
Other causes of ED, such as obesity, are also not necessarily determined by age, but rather by the habits that individuals follow in their day to day lives.
Suitable solutions
However old you are and whatever your lifestyle, if you experience ED on a regular basis it is always a good idea to go and speak to your doctor about it. They will be able to assess you accurately and potentially pinpoint any underlying health conditions which may be causing ED as a symptom.
Doctors may recommend different types of treatment for ED, although aside from the medical options mentioned earlier, there are a lot of other things you can do to deal with this issue yourself.
Eating a balanced diet and avoiding any kind of overindulgence in drugs and alcohol is a good start. Getting more exercise will also be a worthwhile way to beat ED, although it is worth noting that long bike rides are not recommended for sufferers.
The problem can also have a psychological cause, as depression and anxiety are linked to ED, so again the advice of a medical professional will be your best bet if you are hoping to tackle this malady comprehensively.