Going bald is something that around half of all men worldwide are going to deal with in their lifetime, and a whopping 95% of men will deal with at least a receding hairline or some hair thinning. So, why is it so difficult to embrace? Well, our hair is a key part of our physical appearance and hair loss can dramatically change the way that a person looks. Losing your hair can quite literally feel like you are losing a part of yourself, so it’s no surprise that there are plenty of options for guys to choose from if they want to slow down this natural but frustrating process. Whether you have noticed a bald patch developing or your hairline is further back than it used to be, what can you do to slow down or counteract the effects of hair loss?
Minoxidil, also known as Regaine in the UK, is a common hair loss treatment used by guys who are concerned about their receding hairlines. Minoxidil is typically provided in the form of a topical lotion or ointment that you apply to your head daily, so it’s a really easy treatment that can easily be incorporated into your daily hygiene routine. You can also get it in the form of a spray or foam, or even in a shampoo. It works by expanding the blood vessels in your scalp, which improves blood flow to the follicles encouraging them to produce stronger and healthier hair. You can view these treatments from manual.co who supply minoxidil and other hair loss treatment options.
If the idea of topically applying a lotion or spray to your head every day doesn’t appeal to you or you worry that you won’t have the time to do it daily, finasteride might be a more ideal treatment option for you. Finasteride is a medication that you take orally in tablet form each day to combat hair loss. It works by reducing the levels of dihydrotestosterone in your body. This hormone is responsible for hair follicle miniaturisation and male pattern baldness; so, reducing the amount of it will naturally slow your hair loss down. It does this by inhibiting the production of an enzyme called 5a-Reductase, which converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.
Caffeine Shampoo
Some people have had good results with using caffeine shampoo to stimulate their hair follicles and encourage more hair to grow. If you have not noticed any signs of baldness but are worried that your hair is looking thinner than normal, a caffeine shampoo could be an ideal and easy option to nourish your hair and encourage healthier, fuller growth.
Hair Transplant
A hair transplant is often a drastic option that most men will only go for when none of the above treatments has worked for them. If you have tried other hair loss treatments and are still not happy with the appearance of your hair, you might want to consider this option. During a hair transplant, a small portion of your scalp that is densely covered in hair will be removed before the hairs are separated into small groups of hair or individual hairs. These will then be grafted onto the parts of your head that are bald. Typically, you will start to see the ‘new’ hairs settle in and start growing within six months’ time. Depending on the amount of transplanting you need, this may need to be done over several sessions with a break of around nine months to a year in between, so it’s certainly not a quick fix.
Lifestyle Changes
Finally, making some changes to your lifestyle can help to reduce the effects of male pattern baldness on its own, and can help to make the treatments that you are taking or have had even more effective. If you are a smoker, you should certainly consider quitting smoking since research suggests that there is a clear link between smoking and hair loss – plus it’s much better for your overall health and wellbeing. A well-balanced diet can also help to keep the hair that you do have in better shape and encourage the healthy growth of new hair. Make sure that your diet is filled with plenty of lean proteins and antioxidant-rich foods like fruit and leafy green vegetables. And finally, don’t forget that there are several underlying health conditions that could be causing you to lose your hair, including diabetes, thyroid conditions and iron deficiency, so it’s a wise idea to see your doctor for a check-up to ensure that your health is not the underlying cause.
Male pattern baldness is quite a common problem faced by men around the world. If you’ve started to notice that you no longer have as much hair as you used to, there are several options to explore.