When you decide to bring a dog into your family, you will probably have a specific breed in mind. Many of us dream of having a little chihuahua or a golden retriever, but have you ever thought about how in-demand these pedigree breeds might be? When you try to find a specific breed of dog that is within the age range you are hoping for, the price can increase by quite a lot.
Of course, if you want to save some money and save a dog’s life, you could always opt for adoption. You might not get the pedigree breed you were hoping for but there are plenty of advantages. Find out below if this is the most cost-effective option in 2020.
Why Adopt A Dog?
There are many reasons why you might want to consider adopting a dog from a local shelter. The first should be that there are many dogs who do not have homes and might never find a family to take them in. By buying from breeders, you are adding to this total and encouraging breeders to continue operating even if there is limited demand.
When you adopt a dog, you can also save a lot of money as it can be much cheaper to donate to a shelter. In 2020, we are constantly encouraged to adopt rather than shop and this is clearly the moral option.
The Initial Cost of the Dog
If you have ever checked out some of the breeders selling the most popular dog breeds, you’ll see just how expensive this can be. Dogs can cost thousands if you choose a rarer breed and you might also need to pay for them to be transported from another country. This is something that many people do but it certainly is not cost-effective.
The initial cost when you adopt a dog from a shelter is much lower. Yes, shelters still do charge a fee, but this is to stop people taking dogs that they won’t look after. On top of that, the fee usually pays for the shelter staff and the dogs that are still there!
Save On Training Costs
Depending on the dog that you choose from the shelter, you could find that you can save money on training costs. Training a dog is not easy and if you have never done this before, you are in for a shock. If you buy or adopt a puppy, you will need to train them to sit, stay and walk on a leash. You’ll also need to try out puppy training to teach them how to go to the bathroom which is incredibly time-consuming.
In comparison, adopting an older dog from a shelter might mean that they are already trained. This could have happened before they got there, or the staff could have trained them. If you adopt, you can save some time and money on training.
Pet Insurance
Some pedigree breeds are more prone to congenital illnesses and other chronic ailments, which means they could clock up higher veterinary bills over the years than a mixed breed dog might. When you come to compare pet insurance quotes you could find that some insurers take this into consideration from the get-go, quoting higher premiums if you own a pedigree breed that is prone to their ailments and lower premiums if your dog is a mongrel.
And even if the premium you pay for pet insurance for an adopted mixed breed dog isn’t any cheaper in the beginning, the lower risk of hereditary ailments could mean your premiums don’t rise as quickly in future years.
Finally, when you adopt a dog, you will probably want to microchip them to keep them safe. In Northern Ireland, dogs must be microchipped at eight weeks old and this needs to be done before the dog license is purchased. For this reason, you might find that a dog that you adopt from a shelter will already come with a microchip in place. All you will need to do is change the details and avoid paying the price for the chip.
In comparison, you might need to pay for a microchip to be installed in your new dog if you purchase a puppy. This means that it can be more cost-effective to adopt a dog.
Make the Right Decision
It is important to note that while there are some reasons why you might prefer to buy a dog from a registered breeder, it isn’t always the best option. When you adopt a dog, you can save a dog’s life and add a brand new member to your family. As you can see from this article, it tends to be the most cost-effective option.