As paradoxical as creativity and innovation in the legal profession may sound, there is in fact room for this and it is something that many law firms are now looking to employ. For many years of course this was an industry which went by the book on just about everything that it did, even new, young lawyers would understand that there was no room for creative thinking in this world. In the modern world however, with fierce computations amongst law firms, many like Prime Lawyers in Sydney have recognized the importance of introducing some level of innovation and creative thinking within this profession. Here is what firms need to do in order to achieve this bold forward step.
Redefine the Culture
The culture within legal offices is most certainly not one which is prepared to harvest ideas and inspire creativity. This is the first thing which needs to change and specifically the fear which many may have of suggesting a bad idea. All ideas for progress should be welcomed as even the bad ones can be the spark of a great idea.
Encouraging Risky Solutions
Very often when lawyers are challenged with finding a solution to a problem they are encouraged to do so through traditional and straight edged means. Ideas, innovation and creativity however are very often borne out of the search for solutions and if the team is able to look into more riskier solutions to case problems or indeed to internal issues, there may very well be a hive of ideas just waiting to be discovered.
Increasing The Sense of Team
Team building activities both inside and outside the firm are surefire ways to bring the team together. In a world where success means more than ever, it is essential that any law firm has a team of lawyers, paralegals and clerks which trust and understand one another and are consistently working as one to achieve great results. Uniting the team will also give members a level of comfort and confidence, the perfect environment for creativity to show itself.
Rewarding Creativity
Whilst it is not often discussed, the reality is that in building the defense for a case there is an awful lot of creativity and innovation put into that. Seeking new angles to discover or new attacks to launch requires critical thinking and that little sprinkle of creativity and thinking outside of the box. Something which a law firm should certainly be doing in this regard is making a big deal of this when it is successful. In doing this you inspire other team members to do the same and to find ways in which to flex their creative muscles.
New Ways of Working
Using the tool of a basic weekly meeting, getting staff and management together to discuss new ways of working is something which will also help the firm to innovate and move forward. Being stuck in the same ways in not just mundane for the staff working within it, but it also stifles progress. A brief meeting with a sharing of ideas could be just the thing that drives the firm forward.
Creativity and innovation can and should most certainly exist in the legal world.