Need help focusing? Listen to this music

If you’re anything like me, staying focused has never been harder than it is now in this era of working remotely. Normally I’d take myself to a coffee shop or a library to study for school or work on other projects, but, of course, I can’t do that anymore. Instead, I’m stuck at home at my desk in my room, trapped in a vicious cycle of repetition. Without a change in scenery for seven plus months, my concentration and thus motivation have dwindled. And with four other roommates stuck at home too, my ability to stay on task has been minimized even further by the inevitable distractions that come with living in such close quarters.

But! I have had a recent breakthrough. I’m someone who likes to listen to music while doing any sort of task: driving, showering, cleaning–you name it. Now, I can add working to that list. While writing a paper one afternoon, I was finding it exceedingly difficult to focus. That was, until I put on my headphones and started playing classical music. I found myself typing to the beat of the music and soon enough the paper was done.

So, if you have a task at hand that you’re finding difficult to accomplish, try listening to one of these five types of music that will boost your concentration.

1. Classical Music

It’s called the “Mozart effect.” Researchers suggest that brain activity is enhanced and overall well-being is improved while listening to classical music.

It could be the fact that there are no lyrics, which can be quite distracting for some people, or it could be that this genre of music is known for its calming abilities. Either way, by popping on your favorite classical playlist, you can study longer and potentially retain even more information than normal.

2. Nature Sounds

This common white noise that you might already use to help you fall asleep at night, might also be able to help boost your mood and productivity.

Researchers found that this helped workers perform better as well as restore cognitive abilities. This is likely due to the sound’s ability to mask distracting noise such as conversations.

But be careful. Stick to soothing sounds like rainfall and babbling brooks, and stay away from jarring sounds like animal calls.

3. Cinematic Soundtracks

I have always felt inspired by film soundtracks that are intense and moving. They can make you feel as if every little thing you do is changing the world.

When it comes to studying and working, that same inspiration can help boost your motivation, lift your mood, and increase your production, while simultaneously making you feel like the main character in your favorite movie.

4. Video Game Music

This one might come as a surprise to some, but when you look at the research behind it, it makes perfect sense.

Each and every piece of a video game is there to enhance the gaming experience, including the music. The instrumental songs are meant to keep the player focused while propelling them forward through the game. It can also help the player maintain control when in stressful situations or concentration-heavy puzzles.

Not only can these meticulously composed tunes help you beat the level, they can help you quickly tackle that to-do list you’ve been meaning to check off.

5. Your Favorites

Sometimes the basics work best. To stay motivated when working on projects you aren’t really enjoying, listening to your favorite music can help you stay engaged with the task. While the lyrics may distract from more intense studies, your favorite playlist is really the perfect thing to play when working on things that require less attention to detail. And because it’s your chosen favorites, it can also better your mood and increase your will to finish what once was boring.