Realizing that one is addicted is quite stressful and requires a lot of courage to take the next steps to sober life. One might be overwhelmed with feelings of fear, shame, apathy, and so on. However, this is never a reason to stop. Surely, one can’t realise that he suffers from abuse, sit in a car, and register in a rehab in an hour. Understanding the need of help comes gradually.
Step by step, a person opens to the opportunities to get rid of the problem. In fact, there exists a variety of options. Rehabilitation programmes differ in length, methods, and conditions. There exist clinics with general schemes, the ones where individual programmes are tailored, and the combined ones. Moreover, some people might need no constant being in the rehab, they can choose home care.
Being scared and having lack of knowledge where to start is completely ok. The best option is to call an addiction hotline anonymously on, where a specialist will consult one about the possible options of rehab, clarify the difference between rehabilitation programmes, and will calm one. In addition, one might get some information about the abundance of alternative approaches before they have to choose.
In fact, cookie-cutter approaches are not good because each person is unique, so consultation might help to find out what type of treatment fits you best personally. Anyone at a drug hotline would tell you that while choosing the approach, one must take into consideration a personality type, an individual health issues, and some additional circumstances, which can affect treatment in either positive or negative ways.
Range of Alternative Therapies
Calling an addiction helpline or simply googling will show you that the range of treatment techniques is extremely wide, and to choose any, one should consider all the peculiarities of his or her situation. Some of these techniques are presented here, so that one can analyse his or her personal needs before making a decision.
Yoga and Mindfulness-Based Therapies
This technique has become quite popular these days. Partially because it sees the problem of addicted people being far away from the present moment. Using this technique, one should face and go through their past experiences, emotions, and painful moments in life. This is aimed at getting the patient back to reality with comprehension of the existing problems and the will to solve them.
Mindfulness training is aimed at bringing the person’s cognition back to the point, where addiction started. This helps to be aware of the role of addiction in one’s life and of the events, which were consequences of addiction. Moreover, this kind of therapy focuses on distressing personality. One learns not to avoid, but to respond to a stress in a manner beneficial for one’s psychological stance.
This technique makes a patient more conscious about his or her life, thus the patient starts living in the present moment and looking into the future not the past. The decisions that the patient makes become more considerate, which allows to plan a better future and take the wheel of your life into your hands. Mindfulness is about redeeming control over one’s life.
Yoga and meditation are extra points here. These practices assist in relaxing the body and mind, which also clears the mind for better understanding one’s life. In addition, many people feel a spiritual connection to a higher power after such practices, which satisfy their need in being governed by a set of good principles, not by public opinion. Moreover, yoga has become a part of traditional 12-step model recovery since 2012.
Art Therapy
This alternative technique has a variety of forms. Art itself is a complex notion. Such therapy might include paining, graphic, decoupage, embroidery, bead weaving, wood engraving, etching, and many more. This therapy uses a very mild lead-up to therapy, which is definitely a benefit against relapses.
The process of creating your handiwork is relaxing and clears your mind, giving you the opportunity to consider all the factors, which might have been a reason for you becoming addicted. This is a long term process and can’t be done just by calling addiction hotline number. Moreover, it creates the feeling of personal value and sense of life by understanding the value and sense of things that you do.
Self-analysis paves the way to harmless discussion of emotional problems, which have become the ground for addiction. Talking to therapists might become much easier, and your art might also reveal a part of your soul to the specialist. All this would make the recovery process more enjoyable and less stressful.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (Eft)
EFT can also be called ‘tapping’. The technique teaches the patients to tap on special body points in a special order similar to acupressure points or meridians. Fans of this practice claim that this helps to balance one’s personal energy, to get rid of the energetic blocks, and to relax a person both physically and psychologically. They also favour the use of sensory systems.
In addition, the ones trying this practice should simultaneously make verbal statements aimed at improving self-perception and self-esteem and identifying the emotional problems that require immediate solution. Also, patients are taught to accept themselves despite negative feelings or other problems. The most beneficial point is that this technique allows eradicating the very roots of addiction.
Pros of Alternative Therapies
Alternative therapies contain a better range of configurations. This means that not only body detox takes place, but also mental, emotional, and sometimes even spiritual levels are taken into account. Having all these levels cured, the risks of relapse are slim to none. In addition, these ways of treatment open new perspectives and help some people to fulfil their creative potential.
Alternative therapies employ the natural mechanisms of our body in fighting addiction, which is less traumatic and, thus, might attract more people to get into these practices. In addition, the body is not put under severe stress because of loads of medications.
Alternative therapies provide an addicted person with an easier attitude towards the treatment process. While traditional rehabilitation seems scary and expensive, more people feel like alternative ways are more accessible. In addition, some extra issues can be solved during such therapy.
Alternative therapies involve patients into new activities, develop creativity or skills, which could never be of interest to a particular individual. After recovery, many of the patients continue to be involved into these activities as their new hobbies, or even as personal business, which means such therapies pave the way to a successful future instead of leaving an individual in front of a blank sheet of paper.
The variety of ways to get rid of addiction is definitely a benefit because it allows a person to feel his or her uniqueness. However, it also depends on the type of abuse you have. It is hardly possible that drug information hotlines would recommend art therapy only. Some types of addiction require both physical and psychological tackling of the issue.