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Common Items You Should Consider Replacing In Your Home

Many items around the home make it pretty clear when it’s time to replace them. Things like kitchen towels will often look or smell unclean, so you’ll know it’s time to replace or have a thorough wash. Other things are less obvious to tell when it’s time for a replacement.

While it may seem counter-intuitive, you may need to replace a few things within your home even if there are no apparent signs of wear and tear.


This is one that many people may not realise should be replaced far more frequently than it is. A hairbrush can last up to a year with proper care, but it is best not to keep a brush longer than that. Some recommend replacing your hairbrush as often as every six months.

To keep your hairbrush in the best condition, you should aim to clean it at least once per week using a mild shampoo and warm water to remove any product. Always remove any hair caught in the brush before you wash it and make sure it dries thoroughly. This can help extend your hairbrush’s lifespan, but it is still best to replace your brush no less than once a year to keep your hair healthy.

If you notice cracks or bent bristles you may need to replace your brush sooner. A damaged brush can, in turn, cause damage to your hair.


The longevity of kitchenware often depends on the quality, usage and care you take of them. Some items, like non-stick pans, will inevitably need to be replaced around every five years. These are hardwearing household items, so once you start to see any cracks or notice a difference in the way things cook, you should consider replacing your kitchenware.

A great way to avoid having to replace kitchenware frequently is by investing in higher quality kitchenware. The kitchenware at Oliver’s Kitchen is a great collection to turn to when contemplating purchasing some long lasting, high quality kitchen items.


Sponges get used every day in most households. They also touch many things with potentially harmful bacteria, like chopping boards used to prepare uncooked meat. Few people dry out their sponges thoroughly after use, so this combination of bacteria and a warm, moist environment can make sponges the perfect breeding ground.

With this in mind, you should ensure that you replace your sponges at least every week before bacteria can build up too much. You can use a few different methods to clean your sponges. One way is to pop the sponge in the microwave. This will help to dry it off and kill off some of the bacteria lurking. You could also consider rinsing your sponges in a bleach solution.

None of these have been proved to be completely effective at sterilising your sponges, so the safest answer is to replace your sponge weekly.


You should aim to replace your pillows every two years. This is because, after a couple of years of continuous use, your pillows will have fallen out of shape and will have two years’ worth of dust accumulating inside them.

You can prolong the life of your pillows with regular washing, but this won’t do much to improve any support that is lost over years of use. If you find yourself frequently waking with an aching neck, then that may be the indicator that it is time to replace your pillows.


Many people are aware that toothbrushes should be replaced frequently, but few realise how often that is. Ideally, you should be switching your toothbrush every three to four month – though this should be more frequent if you notice any signs of wear and damage to your toothbrush, such as bending or breaking bristles.

Keeping your toothbrush clean is key to keeping it cleaning your teeth properly. You should run hot water over your toothbrush before and after using it to remove any debris. You could consider rinsing your toothbrush in mouthwash, but you should never try to clean your toothbrush with any harsh chemicals or bleaches.


Mattresses are one of the longer lasting household items, but that doesn’t mean that you should keep the same mattress you had twenty years ago. On average, a mattress will last around seven to 10 years. If you find that you are not sleeping well, wake up with aches and pains or sleep better elsewhere, then it may be time to replace your mattress.

Flipping your mattress is one of the most important things you can do to ensure longevity. Doing so regularly means that no side is always taking the brunt of usage and gives each side time to recover its shape. Flipping your mattress can prolong the life of your bed, but even this will not make it last forever.