A lot of people suffering from cancer are always keen on finding alternative ways to fight the chronic disease. Luckily, there are several alternative cancer fighting methods. These alternatives will give you a feeling of control especially if you are feeling weak. As much as they might not guarantee total cure, they are effective to a reasonable extent.
This article discusses a number of alternative cancer fighting remedies that are generally safe. It is important to check with your doctor before using them for clarity and approval. This is because different remedies are effective with specific types of cancer.
How Alternative Remedies Help Fight Cancer
Alternative cancer fighting methods might not play a direct role in curing the disease, but they will help cope with the symptoms and signs that cancer causes. Some common cancer symptoms like difficulty sleeping, pain, vomiting, nausea, stress and fatigue can be reduced by these alternative methods.
For the best results, it is recommended that you integrate evidence-based and alternative cancer treatments with the prescribed medicine from your doctor. This will help relieve some of the symptoms associated with the disease. Have a detailed conversation with your doctor and decide which alternative treatment works best for you.
You should work closely with your doctor to strike the required balance between alternative cancer treatments and traditional medicines. Even though alternative cancer treatment methods may reduce pain or nausea, they are not powerful enough to replace traditional cancer medications.
Alternative Cancer Treatments
Discussed below are alternative cancer treatment options that have shown significant efficiency in helping cancer patients. It is important to talk to your doctor before trying any of them:
This is a treatment method where the doctor inserts tiny needles into the patient’s skin at precise points. Research shows that this method is helpful in relieving nausea caused by chemo. Besides, it can also relieve specific types of pain in cancer patients. This procedure is safe, you just have to confirm that the PR actioner is licensed.
You can also ask for a list of trusted practitioners from your doctor. Those with low blood levels or taking blood thinners are not recommended for this procedure. That is why it is important to check with your doctor before making a decision.
This alternative cancer treatment method uses fragrant oils to give a calming feeling. Mixed with scents such as lavender, these oils can be applied to a patient’s skin during a massage or added to bath water. Also, these oils can be heated to release scents into the air. This treatment method can be crucial in relieving pain, stress and nausea. You can see a licensed practitioner for this procedure or you can do it by yourself.
Generally, aromatherapy is a safe procedure. However, there are certain oils that can cause allergic reactions when applied to your skin. Patients with cancer that is sensitive to estrogen (such as breast cancer) should not apply large amounts of tree oil and lavender oil to their skin.
Use of Supplements like Cannabis
One of the biggest medical benefits of cannabis is its role in fighting cancer. This product contains cannabinoids, a substance known for fighting certain types of cancer. Besides, it helps relieve pain, stress, and anxiety. The use of this product is also one of the most affordable methods of fighting cancer. Ensure you purchase one of the top ten cannabis strains by Royal Queen Seeds to get the best results. Check with your doctor and find out if this method is helpful for you.
Doing regular exercises might help you manage symptoms that occur during and after treatment. Engaging in gentle exercises help relieve the fatigue and stress, leading to better sleep. Several studies show that when cancer patients involve themselves in an exercising program, they tend to live longer and improve the quality of life.
If you have not been engaging in exercises regularly, talk to your doctor before starting vigorous workout sessions. Start gradually, then add more workouts with time. Aim for at least 30 minutes of intense exercises every day of the week.
When undergoing a massage, the masseuse kneads your muscles, tendons and skin with the aim of relieving stress and muscle tension. There are several massage techniques and methods. It can be deep with more pressure or light and gentle. For cancer patients, massage can be a reliable way of relieving pain.
Besides, it might help relieve fatigue, anxiety, and stress. This process is safe and should be done by a professional masseuse. Alternatively, you can ask your doctor to refer you to a masseuse who regularly works with cancer patients. It is important to note that people with low blood levels are not recommended for massage.
You should also ask the therapist to avoid massaging near tumors, radiation treatment areas or surgical scars. Avoid deep massage if you have cancer in your bones. This can lead to damages which can be dangerous.
Cancer can be a very stressful disease. You need a proper support system to conquer the disease. Apart from the traditional cancer medications, alternative methods will help you manage the disease. The alternative cancer treatment methods discussed here can significantly improve the quality of life.