
How to Stay Motivated When Working from Home

Working from home is a mixed bag. For one, you don’t have to deal with lengthy, stressful commutes or annoying co-workers. However, you must also deal with the fact that it’ll be harder to separate your work from your personal life. Some people also find it difficult to be productive when they view their home as the place they’re supposed to relax and be free from work.

If you’re one of the people finding it hard to stay motivated right now, then read on for some expert tips.

Work in a calm and focused environment

You can’t be expected to work well when your pets or kids are causing a ruckus and the dishes in the sink are taunting you to wash them. If possible, ensure any distractions are dealt with before you settle down for work. Set aside a quiet space in your house dedicated to working, like an office or a corner of your bedroom. Use scents like high-quality CBD essential oil from Nutrivive to manage your stress and keep you focused.

Stay faithful to your work hours

Around 745,000 people a year die from overworking. Studies show that a 55-hour workweek increases your risk of stroke by 35% and heart disease by 17%. Plus, there is evidence that shows longer work hours lead to less productivity. It may seem tempting to get extra work done today so you won’t have to deal with it tomorrow, but you’ll likely get assigned more work anyway. If you originally worked 7 hours in the office, adopt those same hours when you work from home. An advantage to working from home is that you can be more flexible with your schedule, so you don’t have to stick to 8 to 5 if you find that you’re more productive in the afternoon to evening hours. 

Get better sleep

Lack of sleep reduces focus and keeps you tired throughout the day, reducing your productivity. If you find that you’re having trouble falling or staying asleep, avoid any sources of blue light before bed, or try meditation and breathing techniques. Weighted blankets, antihistamines, and over-the-counter sleeping pills are also a solution. If none of these are helping you get your much-needed beauty sleep, work with your doctor to develop a solution.

Find your rhythm

Some people work best when they take frequent breaks while others are more productive when they work for long hours uninterrupted. Working from home means you can experiment to find a work rhythm that suits you. If you’re more the “take frequent breaks” type, try the Pomodoro Technique, where you work for 25 minutes then take a 5-minute break.

Even when you’re working from home, work as if you’re still in the office. It may be tempting to work on your bed or work while eating but adopting bad practices like these will reduce your productivity and make it harder to separate your work and home life. Maintain your professional habits so you won’t struggle when it’s time to work onsite again.
