Where do you find yourself when you allow yourself to be completely free? Our playground of imagination is our truest space afterall, Ruta believes.
Ruta Vaketaite is a Lithuanian visual artist currently based in London, UK. Graduated from LCC, University of the Arts London, Ruta continues to experiment with both traditional and digital illustration, painting, printmaking and interactive art installation.
Ruta’s abstract paintings, currently displayed at the exhibition “Playground” at Genesis Cinema, explore the concept of playfulness and liberty in this restricted world. Inspired by her daily observations, nature and psychology, she created these paintings as a glimpse of playfulness you can achieve when you’re allowing yourself to be completely free.
Her work process is organic and spontaneous. Painting shapes one after another and adding them like a collage, creating new textures and forms by blending and overlaying the pieces together, her paintings are filled with jest and ease, and it conceptualises the creative process itself through a different level of abstractionism.
Using various objects as tools for mark making, such as card, textured fabric, sponge or roller, these paintings have depth and dynamic just like our daily experiences itself.
The exhibition “Playground” is on from June 7th to July 15th so come by and check it out at Genesis Cinema,
93-95 Mile End Rd, Bethnal Green, London E1 4UJ
Find Ruta on Instagram: @vaketaite