As it stands, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are among the hottest products for digital art investors. But what exactly are they? And who are the creators behind these precious artworks?
In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about NFTs and their top-selling creators to help make smart investment decisions.
What Is An NFT?
Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs in short, are blockchain-stored artworks with unique encryptions, allowing verified ownership. They can range from anything between drawings, songs to whole albums. NFT´s are even being used in real money gambling sites as safe deposits.
There were 509,000+ NFT sales on the Ethereum blockchain in March alone, worth over $205 million. And in that sum was a Pepe piece, consisting of Homer Simpson and Pepe, the frog, which sold for $320,000. So simply put, NFTs are a big deal and could earn you fortunes.
Top Selling NFT Creators
1. Mike Winkelmann (Beeple)
Source URL: Link
Mike Winkelmann, who goes by Beeple, is no doubt the top-selling NFT artist. By the end of March, he had made 845 NFT sales for over $133,544,000. Among these artworks was a compilation picture named ‘Everydays: The First 5000 Days’ that sold at an incredible $69,346,250.
Apart from that, Mike Winkelmann is popular for NFTs like ‘Crossroad’ and ‘OceanFront,’ which sold for $6.6 million and $6 million, respectively. He also drops digital artworks on his Instagram account daily, along with his ‘Everydays’ series.
2. Trevor Jones (Trevorjonesart)
Source URL: Link
Fascinated by the integration between art and tech, Trevor Jones’ artwork includes augmintelligentented reality, NFC tags, and QR codes. And after purchasing his first Bitcoin, Jones started intertwining his pieces with cryptocurrency themes.
As of now, Trevor Jones has sold 5,284 NFTs, worth about $18,591,000. His most successful sale is ‘Genesis,’ selling for $604,967. Another of Jones’ highest-selling pieces is ‘The Bitcoin Angel,’ sold for $188,880.
3. Fewocious
Source URL: Link
18-year old Fewocious is yet another leading NFT creator dealing with surreal art, which incorporates vibrant colors and hallucinatory effects. They (the pronoun Fewocious goes by) have managed to sell around 3,100 NFT artworks so far, equating to $18,175,346.36.
Their most famous artwork, titled ‘The Everlasting Beautiful,’ depicts a woman’s face. Each of her features is differently defined, with a mix of monochromatic and pop color segments. Fewocious sold this piece for an outstanding $550,000 in March of this year.
4. Pak
Source URL: Link
Pak remains one of the few anonymous artists producing best-selling NFTs for about two decades. To date, the creator has sold 1,691 pieces worth over $16,880,470. His (or her) work mainly centers on geometric shapes and is monochromatic.
‘Metarift’ was Pak’s highest-selling NFT, consisting of a 6-sphere shape with four-ridged bands around them. It sold for $900,072 in March 2021, and in April, he/she partnered with Sotheby’s for a worldwide NFT auction.
5. Mad Dog Jones
Source URL: Link
Mad Dog Jones is known for an adoptive, surreal, and dynamic crypto artwork style. His work mainly includes paintings, which morph into a digital scene through compilation and coloring. In total, he sold about 1,567 pieces, averaging at $9,063 per sale.
Jones’ most famous artwork is called ‘Boardwalk,’ and it features a 43-minute video of a hand-drawn scene of a city. He sold it on February 21, 2021, for an incredible $388,888.
6. Mike Parisela (Slimesunday)
Source URL: Link “Gunky’s Uprising”
Mike Parisela, who goes by the artist name Slimesunday, is an anonymous collage NFT creator in Boston, MA. His work aims to push the boundaries of appropriate mainstream media art by exploring bizarre and erotic themes. You’ll find some of it in Playboy, Penthouse, Hunger, and Glamour Magazine.
Slimesunday has made a total of 6,508 artworks, selling for $11,734,586.58. His top-seller is titled ‘Gunky’s Uprising,’ worth $1,333,333.
7. Hakatao
Source URL: Link ‘Kim Jong Un- ‘Dead And Alive’ Edition”
Crypto art giant Hakatao made it to the best NFT artists list with 1,504 artwork sales, worth around $12,487,200. Her pieces largely reflect on significant issues like society, the environment, and crypto. They also involve art history, symbolism, and psychological references.
Hakatao’s most successful NFT sale, ‘Kim Jong Un- “Dead And Alive” Edition,’ went for $321,967. You’ll find her art in various high-rated NFT platforms, including SuperRare and Nifty Gateway.
Now You Know The Top NFT Artists
Our list above features everything relating to the best NFT artists, along with their top-selling artworks and most expensive sales. We’ve based these findings on data pulled from top marketplaces, including Nifty Gateway, SuperRare, Async Art, and KnownOrigin.