Meet the World Famous Miss to Mrs Box 

So many people are talking about Miss To Mrs Bridal service. From décor influencers to  wedding planners and their customers. They have a following of over 500,000 on Instagram  and there is so much buzz on social media about how great they are. They have over 5000  reviews on trust pilot and most of them is countless people talking about how happy they  were with their Miss to Mrs Bridal Service experience. Being the curious cat I am, I wanted  to try out their service and guess what! The perfect opportunity came by. My friend’s  wedding. They have an option to subscribe to their service as a gift to someone. This way  you subscribe but the boxes are sent to the person you are gifting. Here is how the process  went. 

1) I customized the wedding plan. 

Before paying for the subscription they ask you for the wedding date which will help them  customize your plan. They do this to offer you a service tailored to suit you best. They  asked for the wedding date and customized my plan accordingly. They deliver boxes  monthly, every two months or every three months depending on the date of your wedding.  There is no problem if you do not have a wedding date yet as they have an option to cater  for that too.

2) The second step was subscribing to their plan. 

After evaluating the daily customization for my plan, they provided me with a monthly  subscription option in which my friend would receive the boxes as gifts from me every  month before their wedding day. I paid only 35 USD per box monthly and got 7 full-sized,  bridal themed products that were valued at over 100 USD with and got membership perks  valued at over 200 USD. It was a very good steal because they were great and good quality  products that my friend loved and enjoyed. All the box themes and products inside the  boxes were tailored according to the steps of the wedding planning . I loved the fact that  they offered so many things at a very affordable price and most importantly they made my  friend super happy. 

3) Lastly, my friend received the best bridal boxes ever! 

This is the third month since I subscribed to Miss To Mrs Box and my friend can’t stop  talking about how happy they are with my present. It has helped her so much with all the 

planning she has to do for her big day. She has received products that would have otherwise  been too expensive or too bland when bought from other stores. It does help that it has  saved her so much time. I would one hundred per cent recommend trying this service out  whether it is for your wedding, or you want to gift someone you love. 

I have tried a good number of similar services to gift my friends and I have to say Miss To  Mrs Box has been my favorite so far. Everything went smooth from ordering, payment and  my friend receiving the boxes. My friend was extremely happy with them. I would  definitely use their service again and if you are looking for a bridal box service you should  check them out.