Thinning hair and baldness is not uncommon, and many men might face this situation at some point in life. You are more likely to experience this if there is a history of hair loss in your family, but other factors can lead to this as well, such as stress, health conditions, or it could be due to aging. Whatever the reason, thinning hair and balding can leave you feeling self-conscious, and while shaving your head is always an option, if you don’t like this look on yourself it won’t be the right solution for you. If you want to try some other options, here are some treatments you can try to help reduce your thinning hair.
Specialist Shampoos
There are numerous brands of the shampoo out there that have been designed to help with thinning hair. They help to promote hair nutrition by using vitamins and amino acids in the ingredients, both of which will encourage growth. If you are seeing signs of thinning hair, it might be time to make the switch to a specialist shampoo.
Scalp Massage
A scalp massage is not only incredibly relaxing, but it can also help to encourage hair growth if done properly. Gently applying pressure with your fingertips across your scalp can help to increase blood flow to the area, and this can help to boost hair growth. If you use castor oil for your scalp massages, this can also help your hair grow back thicker, too. Just make sure you’re not being too rigorous when you are massaging your scalp, as this might have the opposite effect.
Hair Transplant
If your thinning is significant or you already have bald patches, you might want to consider more intensive treatment as a solution to this. Hair transplants are a cosmetic surgical procedure, so you will need to pay for this yourself as they aren’t usually covered by health insurers or national health services. While these procedures aren’t cheap, they are very effective and a permanent solution to hair loss, which makes them worth the investment. Look up clinics near you to find the best hair transplant provider and book in for a consultation to find out more.
Rogaine (minoxidil) is a branded product that is used as a treatment to help with thinning hair and hair loss. It is a topical treatment that you can apply to the affected area, or the whole of your scalp, twice a day. It can take a few months for you to see results from Rogaine, but it can be effective. However, it is something that you will need to keep up with if you want to maintain those results.
Prescription Medications
You might be able to be prescribed treatments for hair loss by your doctor, but this will depend on your circumstances. If your hair loss is a result of an ongoing illness or other treatment, they will need to make sure that these prescriptions will not interfere with any medications you might already be taking. They might also not consider your specific circumstance to qualify for these kinds of treatments, but it is always worth asking about to see if your doctor can help you in this way or make other recommendations.
If you are experiencing thinning hair or baldness and would like to find a solution, consider the suggestions for treatments above and see which one could work for you.