Photo: Ryan McGuire / Pixabay

Experts Reveal Innovative Ways to Care for your Car and Tyres

Experts often have expensive solutions for everyday problems, but this time, the experts have looked at the best way to care for a vehicle from the inside: everyday hints and tricks that those in the motoring industry use to make sure their car and tyres are always in excellent condition. You also need to make sure your car is roadworthy enough to be driven in busy cities like London or nearby areas as no one would like a car breakdown in the middle of a busy road. Let us take a look at some of these innovative ways to care for your car and tyres.

Learn the Basics

You might think that it is your job to drive the car, and entirely someone else’s to look under the hood, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Learn the basics of mechanics, if nothing else, so that you can confidently find your oil reservoir (you should know how to check your dipstick, if nothing else) and be able to name most if not all of the contents under your hood. Just getting to know your car in this way: changing spark plugs, swapping a fan-belt and knowing enough to say where in the engine the problem is, can help you to very quickly pick up on any problems almost before they occur. Check out your owner’s manual, and sign-up for a car maintenance course and you will automatically learn the best way to treat your car.

Clean Your Car Yourself

Along the same lines as the above point, if you clean your car yourself, you will get to know it properly, and be able to tell when something is not quite right. Who knows, you might even find hidden secrets in the glove-box or under a seat! Learn how to put the seats in and out, see where dust and dirt build up within the car, and wash out the wheel-wells. Of course, if you are on a business trip, or in a hurry, you can go through a car-wash or hire someone to do it for a few pounds – but make a point of doing it yourself at least three or four times a year. Aside from anything else, it is a great workout and really satisfying to see your car gleaming as it dries and to know that you did that!

Pay Attention to the Temperatures

Your car likes winter just about as much as we do, grumbling when it is too cold and struggling to get up to full impetus. While there is little to do save running the engine for a little while to get the revs up, you can improve your drive immeasurably by switching to winter tyres when the temperature drops below 7° during your commute. Winter tyres are made from softer rubber, which means that they retain their flexibility and grip even in icy and muddy conditions. Some people in the UK think that they do not need winter tyres, but most people commute early in the morning and late in the afternoon, when the temperatures are lower than at midday. If you are not sure where to get tyres in London, you can check with Iverson Tyres – as they have a huge variety and you can choose according to your requirements.

Every Day is Weigh Day

Keep your car as free from clutter and excess weight as you can. Remove everything from the car when it is not necessary (keep the spare tyre and the tool-box!) and you will be surprised at how much better your car seems to handle, with fuel lasting longer, the tyres and wheels working smoothly and a generally more comfortable performance all round.

Tyre Rotation

Rather than plan to swap your tyres as soon as you see signs of wear, swap them about on the car. Rotating your tyres in this way can mean that you get years’ more life from your tyres, giving you time to shop about for the best deals and put some money aside for the new ones. And it is perfectly safe to do so, as it moves the most worn areas to light-use points and the hardly used areas to where they will do the most work.

These innovative tips are among the best hints and pieces of advice offered by the experts. Not only do they ensure that your car stays in great condition longer, but they keep you, and other road users, safe while they save you money. Win-win-win!