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When should you call a locksmith?

Locksmiths play an important role in our safety and security, not just in our homes but also in our offices, businesses and our cars. They provide solutions to a whole range of problems from lost keys and faulty locks to car entry problems and of course emergency locksmith services. Here are some times when you should call on the aid of a locksmith (find a local locksmith in London that can help you if you come up against any of these issues)

You are locked out of your house

We have all been there – you get to your front door and cannot find your keys anywhere and suddenly you remember you left them in your office or even worse, you have locked them inside the house! Consider all the possible ways you may be able to get in like an unlocked backdoor or an open window, perhaps someone else has a spare set of keys and can come let you in – you may need to head over to a friends house and wait for your partner or housemate to get home but consider all these options before you call a locksmith. It is best to save time and money by gaining entry another way. But do not try to pick the lock or gain entry by force! A locksmith can use professional tools to pick your lock without causing any damage to your lock or door, attempting to do this yourself may end up costing far more in the long run.

You are locked out of a vehicle

No one is going to judge you if you accidentally lock your keys in your car, it is an honest mistake that is so commonplace that most modern cars have a fail-safe that prevents the car from locking with the keys inside. Not only can locksmiths pick your front door lock but they also have extremely sensitive equipment that picks up signals from inside the vehicle in order to unlock it. They can also check for any other security risks or issues you have with your car before they move forward with a key replacement or lock pick.

Replacement or duplicate keys

If you have lost your keys and you feel like they might not just turn up in one of your cost pockets then you will probably start considering getting a new set cut or even changing your locks. You might also need replacement keys if you break your existing ones, a rusty or dirty lock can cause your key to get stuck and then break off when you try to get it out. (Locksmiths also offer lock cleaning services or you can follow these steps to maintain your locks yourself)

Install new locks or replace old ones

If you want to upgrade your home locking system by adding more locks or replacing them, then it is always advisable to hire a professional to do this rather than try to do it yourself. Locksmiths can get this done quickly, using the right equipment and without causing any damage. They can also help with advice on any additional security measures and which locks are best for your home.