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What Are Some Ideas for Gifts on a Budget?

When you have a special occasion coming up, but money is a bit of an issue, you may feel like you don’t have many options. However, it can sometimes be good to think outside the box a little. A gift that comes from the heart can often be far more well-received than one that has been bought simply because there is a larger price tag attached. You may know your loved ones better than anyone, so you might be able to think of some great ideas for gifts that they may appreciate even at little, or no, cost.

Depending on how long you have known the recipient, you may have a number of pictures of the two of you. At the very least, you might have images of their pet or something they enjoy. It may be fairly inexpensive to create some canvas photo prints of those images. If you cannot find any photos or the ones you have are of poor quality, there may be other things you can do. 

Arty individuals, or even children, could create a bespoke piece of work for the recipient, and then have that printed onto the canvas instead. As a general rule, the smaller the canvas, the cheaper it may be. So, you could potentially get a number of small images printed for the same price as one large one, giving your more options to work with.

If you want to get a gift for someone who has just had a baby, you may be considering some of the traditional gifts of clothing for the infant. However, there are some cheap and free ways you can honour the birth, and help to take the weight off of new parents. It could be that, in lieu of a gift, you take your friends some homecooked meals that they can freeze and enjoy at a later date. Alternatively, you could aid them with looking after the newborn, taking older children out for the day, or even getting stuck in with chores. While this may not seem like a lot, it could make quite a big difference to people trying to juggle normal daily life with the care of a newborn.

For the more philanthropic recipient, you may want to think about not giving them something related to them whatsoever. You could think about current events that may require financial aid, such as natural disasters or war, as well any animals that they might appreciate you sponsoring in their name. At times, you may receive a cuddly toy or documentation that keeps you informed about your sponsor or the cause. This can be a wonderful gift, and help to make the world a better place at the same time.

Buying gifts when you don’t have much money can be a bit of a struggle. By thinking about the needs of your recipients, as well as the world around you, you may be able to choose a treat that will be warmly received.