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6 Common Essay Mistakes You Should Avoid

Writing an essay is a task that can not be done flawlessly, especially if you are on your own—students all over the world struggle to correct their mistakes after they are done with their essays. Luckily, we have come up with the top 6 mistakes you need to avoid to ace your essay.

Choosing a Topic, You’re Not Interested In

Can someone please do my essay? A question you ask your colleagues when the paper you were assigned to do is not of your particular interest. People say that your work is only as good if you are interested in doing it. Otherwise, it is useless. If you think about it, it is true. Go back to the times your parents or teachers assigned you some work, and list down the times you did it successfully and unsuccessfully. Noticed something? After analyzing these particular life events, you would think that the times you successfully pulled off the job were times you were interested in the work. The same goes for when you were not interested in the work; you failed to do the tasks and were unsuccessful. Why do you think that is? Well, this reasonably concludes that if you want to be successful in something, you must be interested in doing it.

Somewhat is the same case with avoiding essay mistakes. How? Well, let us make you understand. There are two types of professors in this world, one who assigns you the essay topic themselves and one who lets their students decide for themselves. If your teacher is the kind who enables you to determine the essay topic yourself, then you are in luck. How? Once you have this privilege, you can easily choose a topic of your liking. It will consequently result in acing your essay. However, many students waste this opportunity and make the biggest common essay mistakes, opting for an uninteresting topic. The error of kicking down a helpful chance like this would be the dumbest move. Remember, you are doing this to better your career in the long term. So please think clearly whenever you are blessed with a chance like this. 

Having a topic of your interest will not only help you in acing your essay, but it can also help you in other ways as well. For instance, if you select a topic of your knowledge, you will not have to do a significant amount of research on that topic. It will save your time and your resources. Apart from that, here are some of the additional benefits you get when you select an article topic of your choice:

  • It would save time;
  • It would save your resources;
  • It would keep you motivated;
  • You will work harder to improve it.

So, these are the main benefits you get by writing an essay of your choice. Also, make sure you avoid these common college essay mistakes at all costs.

Watch Your Tone

One of the common errors in writing essays is setting the tone of your article. Several students worldwide tend to make this mistake and not even realize it. The speaking manner you use in the essay tells a lot about your writing. You need to consider several things when writing an essay, and one of the most important of them is the tone. It would help if you made sure that the reader never gets offended however you deliver the report. Because the grading power is within the teacher’s hand, and no matter how critical the topic of discussion is, one must never offend the reader, intentionally or unintentionally. Although, getting offended also highly depends on the teacher. 

There are two types of teachers in an average educational institution, one who is jolly and is not offended easily, and the other who is strict and can turn your life into a living hell on a minor offense. If your teacher is the one who is rigid and unpredictable, then you have to be very careful as they will not let go of any bitterness on your part. In such cases, it is better to keep a low profile and write your essay in a soft tone manner. If it is the other case, then you are in luck. Still, try not to be offensive as it is unethical and who knows when your teacher is in a lousy mood, consequently marking you an F on your essay.

Writing Without a Structure

One common thing you might have noticed in the samples published on the perfect essay writing services webpage is that they all use a flawless writing structure. The key to the ideal essay is a strong foundation, and the foundation can only be vital if you have a good structure. Nevertheless, many students tend to avoid this tip and make mistakes, resulting in bad grades. Writing without a frame is one of the top essay mistakes to avoid, so it is advised that you never skip this part. There are several ways to develop an essay structure, but one of the easiest of them is mentioned below for you,

  • Introduction; 
  • First body paragraph;
  • Second body paragraph;
  • Third body paragraph;
  • Conclusion.

Citing Sources Incorrectly
Incorrect citations are a menace that should be avoided at all costs. Citations usually come in your academic writing. If you ever get the burden of writing an academic paper, make sure you steer clear of making this mistake. Citations can lead your reader on the wrong track. If you incorrectly cite something, it would show your incompetency to the reader. So always double-check your citations like writers of professionally pre-written college essays online.

Forgetting To Proofread

Many students tend to take proofreading lightly. They think of it as a waste of time and resources. On the contrary, proofreading is not that insignificant. Without proofreading, there is no way to make sure that you aced your essay or not before it gets checked by the readers. So, please never forget to proofread your work after you are done.

Poor Vocabulary Choice

The words you use in your essay count a lot when the reader checks your work. A good vocabulary choice is the best way to counter this problem. If your vocabulary skills are not that good, make sure you get help from the internet. Never compromise on your vocabulary, period.

Stop if you think you can become the ultimate flawless writer one day. This is because, no matter how hard you try, there will always be a few mistakes in your work. Do not try to be perfect; try to learn from your mistakes. Apart from that, you can always take help from the article above.