When starting a company, experts always recommend entrepreneurs try identifying and targeting a market need. Any service or product should try to meet the needs of the consumers and solve a problem or an inefficiency of the market.
Businesses should also consider the current state of markets and always try to forecast what the future trends will demand companies to try and be a step ahead when planning for future developments of the services or products offered.
Considering the current trends in business, these could be some of the most profitable business ideas of 2022.
Holographic events:
Holograms aren’t intrinsic to science fiction movies anymore. Technological developments of recent years have made it possible for event organizers to “beam in” an actual 3D projection of a person in real-time with the actual size and image quality as seen thru one’s own eyes.
One of the most notable advantages of holographic events is that any speaker, guest, or even artist can attend an event from any part of the world and the audience is assured of getting the same experience as if the person was there.
Particularly in the music industry, this is a technology that was already tried with success with a band like Gorillaz which is composed of digital cartoons that have been brought to life thanks to holographic projections. Also, a groundbreaking feature of Tupac Shakur was brought to life during the Coachella Festival in 2012.
Solar panels:
Renewable energies are a central part of the fight against climate change and now households are taking their share of responsibility by improving their daily habits in order to respect the environment.
And thanks to the development of the solar panel industry, it’s becoming accessible for people to install solar panels in their homes and the demand is growing so much to the point where suppliers are having difficulties meeting this demand.
Many small startups are recording huge profits by offering services of solar panel installations. Many young engineers with little experience can fulfill the technical requirements demanded by this technology and the investments to kick start a company aren’t so elevated.
The future scarcity of fossil fuels and the current issues with natural gas are driving electricity prices up so the forecast for 2022 is that solar energy will be more demanded than ever.
E-Sports streaming:
Videogames are experiencing levels of popularity that are setting them each time closer to the same levels of profitability as the best traditional sports like football, basketball, or tennis.
Brands are also shifting much of their sponsorship budgets into e-sports competitions and gamers, which is making the videogame landscape professionalize very quickly.
Many young entrepreneurs are creating content online that’s been broadcasted worldwide thanks to platforms such as YouTube Gaming or Twitch that offer themselves a very interesting model of income thru the ads displayed on the content creator’s channel.
And there’s a very broad consumption of online gaming content which means that even if the offer is relatively big, the growing audience allows for the development of a competitive market.
From popular videogames such as Fortnite or FIFA to online casino games that users can find reviewed in the UK on platforms where players can even play for free. Gamers can broadcast a vast array of games like poker, blackjack, or slots to their audience directly from their desktops or mobile devices. The success of online casinos is proof that there’s room for everything in the gaming streaming industry.
Membership coffee:
Specialty coffee has gone from a trend to the most sought-after variety when consuming coffee. Small companies are making enormous profits by selling roasted coffee produced with the highest standards resulting in flavorful cups that are driving the consumption patterns away from big franchises like Starbucks.
There’s a big opportunity in selling specialty coffee even if the cost is higher, the returns are also higher than with the industrial coffee that has been sold in supermarkets for a long time.
Per capita consumption of coffee has gone from 600 grams to almost 3 kilos per person, per year. And with the shifting patterns of consumption preferring online marketplaces instead of the traditional physical stores, the offer of specialty coffee subscriptions or memberships is growing at a fast pace.
A good marketing strategy, modern branding, and the offering of an online service where clients choose their type of coffee and the frequency at which they wanted it delivered to their homes. An easy-to-implement business model.