5 reasons to match with fewer people on dating apps

Blindly matching with anyone semi-decent, graveyards full of dead conversations, and wasting time on people who aren’t serious about their love lives. Dating in 2022 is hard

Luckily, there’s a new app in town and it’s a real upgrade.

Introducing Inner Circle. This free to download, premium dating app is designed for anyone who wants to put quality over quantity. If playing the field hasn’t brought you the results you’re looking for, it’s time to try a serious dating app and match with fewer (but more compatible) people. Here’s why.

1. You don’t want to be part of Hookup culture

Your match only texts you in the evenings and asks you on “dates” to their house. You’ve been ghosted and love bombed a thousand times over. Time to let Inner Circle shrink your dating pool – in the best possible way

The app is designed strictly for ambitious, career driven singles who take their love lives seriously. Ideal, right?

2. You’re probably matching with catfish

On mainstream apps you never know if you’ve really connected with someone or if you’ve fallen victim to a scammer. But Inner Circle has a solution. Their team manually verifies each new member so you know they’re all safe bets. 

Inner Circle event

3. You want to actually go on a date IRL

Sitting on your phone messaging 7 different people isn’t dating. That’s having pen pals with good profile pictures. Instead, use the Discover section on Inner Circle to match with someone who loves the same bars and restaurants you do. Send them a message, skip the small talk, and arrange a first date fast

4. You know exactly who you’re looking for

Sure, there’s a lot to be said about physical attraction, but we all know dating is about much more than looks. Rather than casting the net wide, take advantage of member’s detailed profiles on Inner Circle to match with people you’re genuinely curious to get to know. 

Inner Circle event

5. You like the sound of meeting someone naturally in real life

Singles events are the answer. And like most things, they’ve gotten better with time. Awkward speed dating is officially out and outrageous house parties, rooftop cocktails and full blow festivals full of singles are in. Every month Inner Circle hosts dazzling parties that you (and, well, all your single friends) ought to try. 

So what are you waiting for? Register with Inner Circle for free now and match with less people before you find your next flame.

Sign up here.