Every smoker has said that they are going to give them up forever, and every smoker has, at some point on their journey, found their way back to the cigarettes before too long. But quitting is possible, and there are plenty of options to help you give up the habit for good. However, sometimes it helps to have a little more incentive to quit, so here are a few reasons why the best time to give up smoking is right now.
Smoking Is A Very Expensive Habit
If you are looking for great reasons to stop smoking at this particular moment in time, how about the fact that it is an incredibly expensive habit? The cost-of-living crisis in the United Kingdom is dominating headlines, and everyone is worried about how they are going to make ends meet this winter. One of the best ways that you can reduce your expenses is by quitting smoking. The alternatives to cigarettes are always going to be much cheaper.
There Are So Many Different Alternatives
In the not-too-distant past, the options for anyone quitting smoking were fairly limited. If you didn’t like gum or sugary pastilles, you would have to think about going cold turkey. But these days, anyone thinking about saying goodbye to cigarettes has a far wider range of alternatives available. Vaping is one of the most popular ways for people to quit smoking, and there are many different flavours and devices for you to choose from. To get some idea of what the vape option for you could be, visit the Go Smoke Free website. They have a wide range of articles as well as great deals on vape pens, liquids and more.
Smoking Is So Bad For You
It feels like this should go without saying, but it is always worth repeating for any committed smokers out there. Smoking massively increases your chance of developing a huge range of different serious health conditions. It can lead to heart disease, gum disease, loss of sight, loss of speech, and many different forms of cancer. By smoking you are drastically decreasing your life expectancy and putting yourself at serious risk if you contract any illnesses that affect your respiratory system.
You Should Stop Smoking If You Want To Have Kids
A lot of people find that the moment when they quit smoking is the moment that they find out that they are going to have a baby. To start with, if you or your partner smokes while the mother is pregnant, then you are going to be exposing them to toxic chemicals which could impact their development. There is also the fact that if you smoke, the chances are good that you are going to miss out on a lot of years that you could be spending with your child. It’s one thing to impact your own life and life expectancy, it’s quite another to do that to your baby.