A Star is Born: Oleg Astakhov’s Mind Blowing Journey To Greatness

On April 17, 1982, in the small city of Lusk, Ukraine, Victor Astakhov and Svetlana Astakhova birthed a legend. Oleg Astakhov is a highly accomplished and talented individual. Oleg broke the internet with his viral dance tutorial videos and became famous. Some of his videos have accumulated over 46 million views on Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube. 

The impossible made possible, Oleg Astakhov became a very successful ballroom dancer and competitor. Winning multiple Ukrainian National Titles in Junior and Youth division in Latin American Dance programs starting at a tender age.

Oleg is usually involved in the things no one else dares to do, that everyone says can’t be done. Imagine a boy standing at the door of a tree house, ten miles away is the point of safety. All the other boys and girls say it’s impossible to walk the entire length of the thin rope to the point of safety, but this one boy defies the odds and believes it can be done. 

At age 16 Oleg graduated from High School #9 in Lutsk, Ukraine and moved to Warsaw, Poland to study at the SGGW University. Later in year 2000, Oleg moved to Lublin, Poland to continue his studies at KUL (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin – KUL) subsequently earning a Master’s degree in Psychology and  another Master’s degree in Management and Marketing in 2005.

The others gasped in disbelief as he took off his shoes and began to walk on the thin rope, head up arms spread sideways, they watched with shock as he went farther from the tree house, whispering to themselves solemnly, “He’ll fall, he’ll never make it.” “No, he’ll turn around when it’s too hard”,  but Astakhov never paid attention to the nay-sayers, becoming a Bar 4 finalist, the most prominent and influential participant of the Polish version of the Big Brother show in 2004.

There was no sign of the point of safety yet, but he had reached the point of no return. Turning back was no longer an option. In 2005 Oleg moved to Los Angeles in the United States Astakhov and competed as professional ballroom dancer where he became winner and finalist of many major United States Dance Competitions. Oleg’s entrepreneurial journey began in 2007, when he opened Ballroom Dancing LA and till date, is one of the most highly demanded teachers in the industry of dance. 

With his midas touch, Astakhov has founded many profitable enterprises. His latest baby is “Dance with Oleg”, the world’s first ever educational and entertainment monthly subscription platform based on Latin American Dance Moves. The D.W.O App is available on App Store and Google play. 

Oleg has over 12 years of experience in tutoring and training online. He has a collective number of 2.5 million followers throughout all social media platforms, making him the most famous ballroom dancer in the world. He has worked with A-List Hollywood superstars like Selena Gomez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ariana Grandé and many others.

Why did he cross that invisible line? What keeps Oleg Astakhov moving forward? It is his love and passion for dance and the ever burning desire to share all he knows to bring smiles to millions of people.