Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The Main Types Of Insurance That Everyone Needs

Most people are actively looking for ways they can trim their costs at the moment. You will be going through every direct debit agreement and every spur of the moment purchase trying to see where you can pinch a few pennies. The news about the cost of living here in the UK is pretty worrying stuff, and anywhere you can reduce your outgoings needs to be considered. Streaming services are a popular choice right now given that their costs keep going up, for example. Of course, everyone is thinking about how they can bring their energy bills down.

However, there are some costs that you should never cut. The costs that may not seem essential every day but will save you a huge amount of money and stress if you need them. The best example of this is insurance. You might look at those monthly costs and think that you could do with that extra bit of money in your pocket. But you need to think about what you could be letting yourself in for if you cancel that insurance and that worst case scenario does end up happening. We have all seen how hard it is to plan for what the next problem will be recently. Here are the main types of insurance that you should never get rid of.

Car Insurance

Let’s start with one of the most obvious. If you are driving, then you need to have car insurance. It does not matter how confident you are in your own driving abilities. To start with, you need to think about what every other driver is like on the road. If someone hits your car and does severe damage, you do not want to be left out of pocket to pay for repairs. If you damage someone else’s car or hurt someone, you could be in serious trouble if you are not insured. It’s also worth thinking about how much worse the weather has been getting here, and that extreme weather events on the road are more and more likely. It pays to take every possible precaution. 

Home Insurance

When you move into a new home, the last thing you want to be thinking about is anything going wrong. But peace of mind is so important, and there are a lot of different factors that you need to consider when it comes to the ways that your new property could be damaged. We mentioned the worsening weather, and you need to think about whether your property could be at risk of flood damage, or what would happen if the roof were damaged during a storm. You will have taken all the sensible precautions against fire such as installing smoke detectors, but home insurance is that added level of security. Finally, burglaries are a tragic possibility no matter where you live, and while you can’t put a price on your belongings’ emotional value, it definitely helps to know that you can replace them. If you want to make sure that you are getting the right deal on your home insurance quotes, then a good comparison site is the best place to start. compares quotes for everything from studio flats to countryside bungalows, and they can help you get the right deal for you.

Pet Insurance

No one likes to think about something bad happening to their furry friends, and some pets can go years without any serious medical issues. However, when things do go wrong then they can get very expensive indeed. The cost of medical treatment for cats, dogs and other pets can be eye-watering, and this has been one of the main reasons why so many people have been giving up their animals to shelters. But if you have pet insurance, then you can keep your pet safe in the knowledge that they are going to be covered if they are injured or come down with a serious illness. It is important to remember that insurance companies will not cover previous conditions, so it is crucial that you give them the correct information to avoid having a claim denied.

Health Insurance And Business Insurance

Everyone has seen the news about GP and hospital waiting times and the idea of having to wait for treatment has sent a lot of people to private healthcare. Of course, the thing about private healthcare is that it can be extremely expensive. If you choose to go the private healthcare route, then will definitely be worth getting health insurance as you could find that the costs are worse than the waiting times. Alternatively, if you are self-employed, business insurance could be a better bet. This can cover you for months of lost earnings if you have a serious illness or injury that makes you unable to work. It can also cover you for a range of different issues, such as damage to property or legal claims from a client.