Photo by Markus Winkler / Pexels

The real face of the NFT: a clear explanation

Have you ever encountered the abbreviation NFT? It stands for non-fungible tokens, which is a type of digital asset. It shows ownership or proof of authenticity of an item or piece of artwork, videos, virtual real estate, etc. NFTs can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis in contrast to cryptocurrencies which are fungible. Each NFT has its distinct value, which cannot be exchanged like-for-like. NFTs are also built on blockchain technology. Mostly it uses the Ethereum blockchain. However, the implementation of other cryptocurrencies is also possible. Some time ago, the possibility of introducing this technology into the industry of computer games and casino games was discussed. Imagine such a strange casino cashback bonus in the form of an NFT. The blockchain guarantees the digital item’s safety, ownership, and authenticity. Each NFT includes specific metadata containing information about the item it represents. 

One of the essential characteristics of NFTs is the  proof of ownership and provenance, which gives a lot of opportunities to artists and creators. As a result, NFTs have gained a lot of popularity in recent years among investors. However, like cryptocurrencies, NFT market may also witness fluctuations and changes. And sometimes, the value of NFTs can greatly vary, which may have an unfavorable impact on investors. 

NFTs, like physical assets, can be bought and sold, and very often, they are much more secure to use than physical ones. Like cryptocurrencies, NFT is also based on blockchain technology with decentralized management. What does it mean? It means that the asset does not belong to any organization or government, and its market popularity determines its value. Its traceable identity makes the platform a safe place for people to keep their digital assets. The ownership of an NFT asset gives the owner the right to claim that the authentic and original version of the specific digital asset belongs to them.  

The value of an NFT depend on various factors such as perceived artistic, cultural value, the creator’s reputation, demand, and scarcity. It has gained a lot of popularity, especially for artists, as it allows them to monetize their online creations by establishing a direct relationship with their target audience. In this way, the importance of intermediaries such as auction houses or galleries is decreasing .  

Pros and Cons of the NFT Market 

Like any phenomenon in this world, the NFT market also has its advantages and drawbacks. 


  1. Authenticity and provenance. NFT gives a way to prove that the digital asset belongs to you.
  2. Immediate Monetization for creators. Selling their creations immediately to their consumers without intermediaries like agents or galleries. 
  3. Increased accessibility. NFT makes it possible to make the asset more accessible to larger audiences. For example, art collectors may purchase the ownership of expensive artworks with the help of NFT. 
  4. Royalties and secondary sales. NFTs can be programmed to include royalty mechanisms. What does it mean? Royal artists will continue getting a percentage of the sales every time their NFT asset is sold in the secondary market. This features a possible continual income source for creators. 


  1. Environmental impact. Creating and trading NFT assets, like cryptocurrencies, consume a lot of energy. This may cause a lot of environmental problems. 
  2. Volatility and Speculation. The value of NFT assessment is highly volatile and can be speculated by market behavior.  
  3. Lack of regulations and standardization. The NFT market is relatively new, and there are few laws and regulations to monitor it. 


Overall, NFTs are digital tokens using blockchain technology to start ownership and authenticity of digital assets. They have gained prominence in the art world and beyond, offering new opportunities for creators, collectors, and investors while raising questions and challenges surrounding their environmental impact and long-term value.