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Where should businesses start with change management?

The current world is one in which change has become the only constant that we can truly expect. When it comes to running a business in such an unpredictable environment, this can throw up a number of issues.

Paramount to success in such an environment is being adaptable and purposefully enacting ongoing change in a proactive manner. Let’s explore where change management, whether done internally or with providers such as Move Plan Group, fits into that overall process.

Assess what’s working and what’s not

The process should always start with an in-depth assessment of what’s working and what needs altering in the business. This assessment should look at every area of operation, from communications to sales, and seek to identify the opinions of people at every level, from receptionists to directors. It’s vital that the assessment doesn’t just represent the opinion of a single stratum of management, an opinion that could very well misrepresent what’s actually happening.

Establish strategy and responsibilities

Once you know what needs changing, you can start to create a strategy to enact those changes. This stage will also consist of establishing clearly delineated responsibilities within the business.

A lot of employees will likely find that their role takes on a number of new capacities, and they need to know what’s expected of them. Employees should be involved in this process as well, not just management; they’ll likely have invaluable insights into what strategies will work and what might likely need tweaking.

Communicate those changes

One of the most important things to pay attention to when it comes to successful change management is communication. As mentioned above, it’s likely that a lot of people’s roles will look different, whether a little or a lot, as a result of the changes. 

It’s important to clearly communicate that at every stage of the process, in addition to communicating changes to other key investors and stakeholders. Making people feel like they’re truly engaged in the process can reduce alienation, and increase the probability that it will be a success.

Assess the impact of those changes

While the changes you’re implementing might look good on paper, you’ll have no idea how effective they are until you’ve tried to implement them. It’s essential to carry out ongoing assessments on how effective those changes have been, to ensure that they’re implemented as intended. 

Provide ongoing support

For the changes in your business to be successful, you’ll likely need to provide ongoing support to people in your organisation. Whether that’s training to use new digital workplaces properly, or advice on how to approach a new niche of customers, you need to make sure that all your employees receive the right kind of support to allow them to carry out their new, adjusted role. 

Change management isn’t something that’s achieved once and for all – it’s an ongoing process that requires constant work. By starting out with a close look at what actually needs working on and what’s ok as it is, you can create a plan that involves every person in your business and sets you up for ongoing success.