Outside Shoreditch: Comcast Allows Customers to Access TV on Twitter

The Comcast Corporation had recently announced a “See It” button. The function allows their subscribers to play or record NBC programming by clicking the button via the Twitter stream. Comcast is now keen on getting the feature onto other networks, platforms, sites and apps. Though, for starters, the corporation will begin with Twitter as they observe how the first batch of users will respond to it.

Twitter has been instrumental in raising TV Viewership, by building real-time conversations linked to specific shows or events – what comes to mind are examples such as The X-Factor or The Royal Wedding.

for now, the “See It” button will send users to the NBC Universal website. Nevertheless, Twitter and Comcast are working together to create a sense of streamlined functionality, giving users quicker and easier access to their desired shows through social media.


The way the new feature works is simple. The embedded “See It” button once tapped will bring a list of options, including the choice to: tune in to live TV, start a show On Demand on your set-top box, tune in to a show online or on your mobile device, and set a DVR or set a reminder.

Shows like “The Voice,” “The Blacklist,” “Michael J Fox Show,” “Today Show,” “Psych” and “Suits,” will all be available through Twitter and to Comcast Xfinity TV customers.