Since the brand launch in 2007 Charlotte Olympia shoes have shot to the top of every girls wish list. The distinctive spider web logo is just a small taste of the nostalgia and fun that the brand offers with every pair of shoes. Most famous are the smokers slippers embroidered with feline features that have been worn by Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Alexa Chung and Sarah Jessica Parker.
Charlotte Olympia shoes almost always focus on the past whether that be with childlike characters or 40’s style pleating. Every pair of shoes evokes that warm feeling of familiarity that provides comfort to many of us and we have now grown to expect it thus leaving designer Charlotte Olympia Dellal with a tough job.
Never one to disappoint Dellal delivered a perfectly timed Halloween collection full with bat, vampire and pumpkin based designs. She provided a balance of heels and flats, velvet and leather and shoes and bags; she even gave her famous kitty flats a Halloween makeover with red eyes and vampire fangs.

This limited edition collection holds the perfect pieces for all the spooky Halloween parties coming up and are set to shock, but for all the right reasons. With a pair of these shoes nobody will be talking about ghosts and ghouls this Halloween.
Charlotte Olympia isn’t the only brand to go scary this autumn; high street shops like Topshop, River Island, Urban Outfitters and ASOS are also stocking frightening fashion so there’s no excuse not to stand out this week.