Innovativate trends to follow in 2020

We are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution. Technology is evolving every year, and nothing can stop it. Innovation is the only way to grow, and technological achievements are solely based on it. 2020 would be another big year of innovative trends.

Artificial Intelligence as a service

Facebook is working hard on AI applications. People could achieve business goals through an AI algorithm. Do you know that Messenger could be another big hit? Some ChatBots can help you to build Facebook’s Messenger and contact with customers through it.

AI Chat Bots are a new, innovative generation of chats. Customers can contact you through Facebook’s Messenger and get the full answer about any issue they may face from Artificial Intelligence. You don’t need to be online always; Messenger will do its work. ChatBots are hard to create, but there are thousands of professionals who can develop high-quality Chat-Bot.

Cloud Gaming

Another big hit for 2020 would be cloud gaming. Canada is the first developed country to focus on cloud-gaming and give freedom to cloud gaming operators. Don’t be confused by the term. It merely means the gaming (video or gambling) through cloud systems, without downloading anything.

As mentioned above, the Canadian government is the first to get along with cloud gaming. Casino, Poker, Lotto, Slot, and other games are already accessible through cloud platforms in Canada. Online casino slots Canada became a trend in 2019, and experts believe that it will be a world phenomenon in 2020. If you want to invest in something, then one of the most innovative trends would be cloud gaming and invest in this sector.

Virtual Reality

Another innovative trend Facebook works on. Mark Zuckerberg admires the VR system and wants to improve it in the next decade. As know, we step into a new decade where VR should show us the true potential. Virtual Reality will be used through different gaming platforms at first. Just like Oculus, VR is still being developed.

Oculus Rift was one of the most significant achievements of the last few years. Mark believes that the 3rd decade of the current century will show us the true potential in VR space. In 2020, many video games are set to give us a chance for VR feeling. VR will be more personalized next year. You can feel and enjoy every part of the games from now on. Virtual Reality can give us true freedom and enjoyment of gaming.