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Five Reasons You Should Take Your Loved One To A Dementia-Friendly Film Screening

Many of us have a loved one in our lives that are living with dementia. It’s a disease that affects approximately around 850,000 people across the country. For those living with it, it can be a traumatic and confusing time, and in many cases prevent them from doing the things that they love.

However, as many people who provide nursing care for dementia, particularly in care homes, can testify, that doesn’t necessarily need to be the case. In care homes these days all manner of activities are put on to engage people living with dementia, with movies often a big hit.

But that also doesn’t have to be only in the comforting environment of a care home or your own home. In fact, many cinemas and venues such as the Royal Albert Hall, provide dementia-friendly screenings, ideal for a loved one who is living with the condition.

While you may be nervous about taking your loved one to such a screening, there are so many benefits and reasons why it could be the perfect day out for them…

It’s An Entirely Inclusive Atmosphere

Firstly, the very nature of dementia-friendly screenings are that they’re designed to be completely inclusive and accessible. 

They generally take place in smaller and more relaxed settings, with the lighting, sound levels and seating arrangements adjusted to suit the needs of people visiting. It’s a much safer and supportive environment, where there is no judgement and people can feel comfortable.

It Provides A Shared Experience

Going to the cinema provides your loved one with the opportunity to enjoy a pastime they once enjoyed and enjoy a much more shared experience than watching a film in your living room or their care home living space. 

Watching a screening together can create lasting memories, spark conversations and moments of joy, as well as providing you with a shared hobby that you can enjoy on a regular basis. 

Many of the latest movies are available in a dementia-friendly setting, so you can even have a discussion or two on the latest Oscar nominees!

It Stimulates Cognitive Functioning

Cognitive stimulation is an important part of slowing the effects of dementia and films can certainly serve that purpose. 

Following the plot, its themes and characters can aid with skills such as attention, comprehension and communication, while it can also serve as an effective prompt for triggering memories, emotions and discussions.

A Great Place For Social Interaction

Social isolation is one of the biggest challenges faced by those living with dementia. While you’ll largely be watching a film at a screening, dementia-friendly screenings also provide the opportunity to engage and interact with others who understand what each other is going through and have common interests. It can be a good place to make friends, as well as strengthen the relationships and bonds you have with loved ones.

Finally, It Empowers Independence

And lastly, and importantly, a person can maintain a sense of independence and autonomy in their lives, taking part in a leisure activity they enjoy regardless of their cognitive ability. A person can engage with the film in whatever way they wish which can be incredibly empowering.

In fact, the success of dementia-friendly screenings across both London and the UK is testament to how empowering they really can be.