World Illustration Awards 2024 Winner Announcements

The AOI, in partnership with the Directory of Illustration, is delighted to announce the World Illustration Awards 2024 winners, including 20 Category Winners, 20 Highly Commended projects, four Cross-Category Award Winners, and two Overall Winners, who are the recipients of cash prizes. 

The winners have been selected by an independent jury from a shortlist of 200 projects, drawn from  nearly 5,500 entries from 75 countries. They were announced on 10 September 2024 at an online  Awards Ceremony, presented by a host of special guest presenters and renowned illustrator Aurélia  Durand. 

AOI CEO Rachel Hill Says: We are excited to announce the winners of the highly anticipated World  Illustration Awards 2024. This year’s entrants displayed remarkable creativity and skill across the  board. We were delighted to see illustration being thoroughly explored, celebrated, and developed as  an art form. 

Our 2024 winners truly excel in their fields, illustrating complex narratives and ideas through their  work. They also highlight the importance of illustration in our everyday lives, in books, news,  packaging, murals, and more. We are proud to recognise these artists for their significant  contributions to the illustration industry, and to showcase exceptional illustration talent from around  the globe.”  

The winners are featured on the WIA2024 Online Showcase comprising details of the winning  projects, artist interviews and much more, and in an online catalogue of all 200 shortlisted projects. The catalogue is distributed digitally to commissioners worldwide. 

The World Illustration Awards is a year-long celebration and showcase of illustration, bringing together creatives, industry, commissioners, and art directors, celebrating great illustration on a scale like never before. 

All the winning projects can be viewed at:

New Talent Overall Winner: ‘Ama No Inori: Prayer of the Ama’ by Kayla Salim

Kayla wins a cash prize of £1000 as well as a copy of the Directory of Illustration and a year-long AOI membership.

” Very sophisticated work for a student. Thoughtfully resolved and designed to a professional standard, including use of scale variation (dynamic change) across single pages, covers and double page spreads, extended/inventive use of two colours.”

Jenny Grigg – Senior Lecturer, Communication Design, School of Design, RMIT University Melbourne

Professional Overall Winner: ‘The Missing Mouseketeer’ By Mark Smith


Mark wins a cash prize of £2000 as well as a two-page marketing package in the Directory of Illustration, valued at $2,700 US Dollars, including a 100-image professional portfolio on

” This is an amazing execution that brings a dark and moody undertone to the world of Disney that’s typically so overly positive and unblemished. The illustrator’s understanding and skill with depth and natural light is next-level; there’s a sense of photo-realism at first glance that’s quiet captivating, and I love the use of colour throughout the entire collection.”

Daniel Cobb – Judge – Advertising Categor