A signpost in Shoreditch, London, pointing to key destinations like Old Street Station, Hoxton Market, and Liverpool Street Station.
Credit: Made in Shoreditch Magazine

Beth's Top 5 Fashion Tips

I’m Beth, A young female heading into the amazing world of fashion. Not many people see fashion as something important, some people do not enjoy shopping the latest trends or styling their daily outfit. But I do! I find it incredible how someone can embrace their individuality through fashion. Someone can give an impression of the type of person they are by an outfit they’re wearing. Whether they’re brave, daring, naughty or nice. An outfit can give someone a whole idea of who you are.

Now I know you should never judge someone from the outside view, and I would never judge someone by how they looked physically. Whether you’re into fashion or not, I believe you should put effort into your appearance, take pride in how you look.

A bit of a cheesy paragraph now as to why I love fashion. Fashion saved me, it made me who I am today. A strong, feisty young female in a big big world. I used to be a shy young girl who hardly uttered a single word, I mean I could have walked into a full room and nobody would notice me. I was very sad after dealing with health issues and feeling like no body understand. To the point I was depressed. I wore black leggings, a baggy top and some slip shoes. I hid myself in a way nobody should.

Until I realized, only I could make myself happy. I had to have a focus, and that focus was fashion! I revamped my wardrobe, threw everything out and made a new me. I brought dresses, heels. Things I never imagined myself wearing and to this day I couldn’t live without them. Fashion gave me confidence and strength, nothing else could and I believe fashion is a gift. A gift only you can design. You have to be yourself in fashion, make your mark and make it big. Imagine yourself like a story and the cover is your outfit. That cover (your outfit) will attract people to want to get to know you. Hear your stories, hold your hand, be a part of your life.

 My personal top 5 tips in fashion:

  1. Always be yourself. –  Don’t buy something you don’t like, just because it’s in trend or you saw someone else wearing it. If you aren’t confident in something people will notice. Dress to your personality not someone else’s. Don’t ever change who you are, because society tells you to.
  2. Be brave! – Branch out of your comfort zone now and again, only when you’re ready though. Don’t be afraid to stand out,  be unique and be an individual. Too many people follow trends now days, don’t be afraid to go against the current trend. Rules are made to be broken.
  3. Planning. – Deciding on an outfit takes time. It’s not something that can be rushed. Plan the day ahead so you have time in the morning to make small changes if needed. Find inspiration for an outfit, I like to look at my favorite icons. Nicole Scherzinger and Jennifer Lopez, don’t copy just take advice.
  4. Your body shape! – Everybody has a different body shape. If everyone was the same, well it’d be a pretty boring world. Dress to your body not someone else’s. Don’t wear something which isn’t gong to flatter your body or is going to make you self conscious. But remember curvy or petite, everyone is beautiful. “Everybody is different.”
  5. Focal point. – Show off what you want to be noticed. Whether it is a part of your body or part of the outfit. Make the key thing stand out. If it’s your little black dress, don’t over do it by styling let the dress speak for itself. Or if it’s your sexy shoulders then show them off!
