Pics by Marcus Peel Photography
G: Tell us about your art: What do you do? What did inspire you to start?
R:I filter the reality with my own eyes and I use my sensibility to create picture through my hands.I started because there was not enough images on walls and the reality was boring.I wanted to add to it.
G: What were your most successful projects/exhibitions so far or what projects did you enjoy the most so far?
R: Travelling around the globe is most exiting thing. What’s most exiting than arriving in a airport on the other side of the planet waiting to go out and then starting a painting on a wall?Making friends and meeting colleague around the world also is an irresistible feeling.
Participating in Street Art festival is fun and intense at the same time. Dulwich street art festival in south London, Monumental Art festival in Gdansk Poland, participating in project in China (Shenzhen) has been very positive and it make me grow as a person and as an artist. WideOpenWalls in west Africa was the best trip I ever done.
G: Tell us a bit more about your current project?
The show at Hang-up gallery (opening the 20th June) is one of the project I am overtaking at the moment.It tuck lots of my time lately because it’s an important step for myself and my carrier. It is also one of my first solo show of this size and has been a serious production of artwork. I have learned so much about capabilities and fusion between my previous experience and today life and inspirations.Now that almost all is done I feel like giving birth and then this babe is going to be out in the world!
G: How would you describe the art scene in Shoreditch/East London? Why is it unique?
R: The Shoreditch street art scene is stuck in this commercial dimension where everything is made with the purpose of making money. Banks are the the evil element and art goes along parallel with stock market nowadays. (optional)
G: Who/what are your favorite Artists/Businesses in the area?
Enrico David, Gilbert&George, Jhon Dolan, and Stik (artists, even tho they are not stuck in the area)
Favourite business are Picture On Walls (POW), howard griffin gallery, Damasco Bite.
G: What are your future plans?
An installation for the Barbican at RAM place(coming up in July) a Book about me and my ART, a new born baby coming up!
Social links:
Twitter: @runtheartist