Bablu doing what he does best
How did you first get into photography?
Living in Shoreditch you just can’t walk around without taking out your smart phone and snapping, with so much artwork around us on the streets. Due to this precise reason and meeting so many bloggers and photographers, I got hooked into taking photos of street art in and around Shoreditch and beyond.
If you had the chance would you like to turn photography into a full time career?
As well as photography I do enjoy the social media side of street art, and if I was to combine them both into a career that would be the dream.
What inspires you about East London street art so much?
The thing that inspires me about Street Art in East London is the combination of seeing great artwork from all over the world practically on your door-step, and meeting international artist from around the world coming to Shoreditch to showcase their work. It’s just wonderful meeting an artist in person whose work you admire and respect, painting live and seeing a creation happen right in front of you.

What other artists would you like to collaborate with and why?
Collaboration is not something I do, I just enjoy witnessing new artwork from different artists and learning about their methods and techniques as to why they paint in the style that they do.
Tell us about your future projects?
Currently I’m working with Sclater Street Stalls which is fortnightly event happening in the heart of Shoreditch every other Saturday, where we fuse street food, hand craft and street art into one place to give the public a new dimension in experiencing art.
In regards to future projects, well there’s exciting things in the pipelines which sadly I can’t really say much about right now but I’m sure you’ll be the first to know when it does happen.
What inspires you to keep picking up your camera?
The thing that inspires me, is the excitement of seeing something new every day when I step out of the door each morning and meeting so many great people along the way who have the same passion as me when it comes to photography and street art.
What advice would you give to other photographers out there?
Just have your own unique style to capturing photographs and as a good friend of mine once said, don’t force yourself and just enjoy the experience and it will gradually all come to you.
To check out more of Bablu’s work head on over to his blog – or check the Street Art section of Made In Shoreditch where a lot of his work is published. You can also check him out on twitter @bablu121