It seems that everything has more or less to do with rain or water lately, but oh well. The amazing installation we’re going to talk about is not in London, unfortunately, but we can kinda relate to it if we think about all the times we had to walk on the water in the past few rainy weeks (sometimes, straight into it). The artist Christo decided to move to Italy for his next project.
Christo is well known worldwide for being an artist whose installations are always astonishing, colossal and majestic. Together with Jeanne-Claude, wife and colleague (hence the art name “Christo e Jeanne-Claude”), he manifested his talent from wrapping monumental buildings (like the Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin) and even part of the Australian Coast to running a gigantic, white tarpaulin across kilometres and kilometres of the Californian grounds; his latest project is slightly more contained, but this doesn’t take any bit of magnificence out of it.
Floating Piers is the product of a visionary mind that sprouts up in Lago d’Iseo, Northern Italy. The installation branches out of the island of San Paolo to open lake, and also connects three islands for a total amount of 100,000 square meters of pier. The piers are made out of polyethylene cubes lined in yellow fabric, floating on the surface of the water, and from the 18th of June till the 3rd of July this year will be accessible for everyone, at all times and for free.
As he said in an interview, the act of walking is essential to comprehend the installation. When the equilibrium suddenly shifts, you find yourself perceiving the wave motion, in a completely different mind-set.
This wonderful installation is just one of the countless he created throughout his career, and many of them originated from ideas developed with his wife. It’s definitely worth checking his website to enjoy all of them (and if you get the chance, going straight to Lago d’Iseo).