The first time someone hears the word ”blog” what was your initial thought? No matter how popular the word blog is, some people still hear it for the first time every day and have no clue what it is all about. In this article, we will elaborate on ”blog”, ”blogging”,”a blogger” and reasons you should start blogging as a student to develop your innovative thinking.
In today’s post, we present 7 reasons why all students should start their own, personal blogs.
- Communication
This is often through social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. University is a great place to meet new people to start off at least. Some of these friendships may last for the entirety of your university experience. Other people may be a familiar and friendly face in the lecture theatre. Both are, however, really great types of friends to have. Think about it this way, those who do not network well with those around them end up having to look for an academic helper from a local UK writing company instead of being able to ask a classmate.
But the idea of making these new friends can be incredibly daunting. This is where Freshers’ Week (and the first few weeks after this) come in. It offers the perfect opportunity to put yourself out there and get to know as many people as you can. As one’s network expands they gain access to multiple opportunities by being able to discuss various ideas with classmates which may lead to innovative solutions. Have a look at my top five ways to make friends during Freshers’ Week and beyond:
I: Be open to new opportunities
II: Try and keep your door open as much as possible
III: Sign up to new clubs and society
Iv: Get to know friends of a friend
V: Keep an eye out on Facebook page updates.
- Social status
No matter what, the very first piece of social media real estate I’d start with is a blog.” In the traditional classroom, the student’s audience is mainly the teacher and perhaps, sometimes, parents and classmates. If a student was to blog regularly, he/she will reach a broader audience, and can receive constructive feedback. Those who work in higher education and student affairs are responsible for serving our students through sharing resources, offering advice and various opportunities for their personal and professional development. The use of technology knows no bounds as it also is now essential to how it is utilized student affairs offices, professionals and student leaders, fulfilling many of our responsibilities.
- Developing the brand
Personal branding is a hot topic, but a lot of students don’t understand what it really means. Although I can imagine that certain business classes examine the subject, most students go all of the undergrads without learning how to market themselves properly.
Jeff Bezos defined the term by saying that “your personal brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room”.
The brand is everything that shapes how people view you, including friends, colleagues, professors, and future employers. If you wore a three-piece suit to a job interview, then that would have been a positive impact on the brand. Conversely, if you were always 15 minutes late to meetings, then your brand would suffer.
The concept of a personal brand includes the Google search results attached to your name, all of your social media accounts, and your CV.
- Building first business relationships
When taking on a new internship, it’s your responsibility to shake hands and talk to coworkers around the water cooler. University isn’t just for learning about calculus; it’s also about making contacts that will one day land you a job.
Many students are complacent about their network. They think that they don’t know anyone and therefore they don’t feel comfortable attending networking events. However, I just published my tips on how students can build a network from scratch.
- Earn income
If an individual puts in a lot of effort into a blog, they probably want to know if you could make money from it. Unfortunately, people love talking about the outstanding amounts money they’ve earned with unusually successful blogs, but few ever offer realistic earning estimates for typical bloggers.
There are many ways an individual can monetise their blog. Not all are equal, and few (if any) are truly passive. I’ve tried my hand at monetisation a few times, and while I’ve yet to strike gold, I’ve learned a lot in the process. These experiences gave me a good understanding of what it takes to earn money blogging. I’ll reveal exactly what kind of blogging income you can expect. Influencing factors include the amount of content you have, as well as how you monetise. Then, we’ll talk about how long it took Leaving Work Behind to become profitable, to give you a real-life example. Let’s crunch some numbers!
It’s not all about pure grit either. Before I first took a crack at affiliate marketing, I went over dozens of case studies. In most scenarios, two visible factors correlate directly with earnings, and those are the amount of content on the site, and its age.
In most cases, the people who get that far have the opportunity to start earning a decent income, depending on how they monetise their websites. Here are some of the most popular methods:
*Affiliate marketing.
*Promoting in-house services.
*Sponsored content.
Statistically, the two best ways to earn money blogging nowadays are affiliate marketing and in-house services. A lot of people use ad-blockers, and as someone who has built a lot of sites, I can’t stand ads. Sponsored content, on the other hand, has some decent potential, but it’s not a reliable way of earning money. Plus, you put the blog’s reputation on the line if you let anyone pay you in exchange for publishing their content.
- Ability to work from home/travel
One of the best benefits that as a result of blogging is that it allows people especially students to express and home their creativity from anywhere around the world. Students bloggers mostly operate from their homes. It is a massive boost to all students that want to make earnings from the house.
- Improving writing skills
The development of a student’s thinking may be the most important benefit that comes with blogging. Many scientists talked about the phenomenon of how daily writing, contents, thoughts, experience, fantasies or anything you want into roves and shapes your brain’s performance. A controversial blog post is your best friend, and it kind of works like magic because it takes your blog to the next level.
Final Thoughts
Blogging comes in many forms, it addresses several topics, and its ability to reach large audiences is what makes so special. But when it comes to education blogging it can be an excellent tool for improving a student’s involvement, excitement and most importantly writing skills.