Nine things you need to aware of before buying your first car

Here is a sure word of advice we always give to first-time car buyers in Ireland:

Buying a car for the first time involves lots of if’s and but’s. Since it is a new area you are exploring, you’ll need to be guided, to avoid making a wrong purchase or even get jilted in the process. Some sellers may want to take advantage of your innocence, and this applies to when you are buying either a new car or a used one.

To avoid the back and forth, reduce the risk of buying your first car, we came up with this guide to help make the process a seamless and stress-free one for you.

Hence, here are the 9 most essential things to know as a first-time car buyer in Ireland:

  1. Define Your Budget:

Having a definite budget is one sure way to avoid excesses. Be clear on how much money you have saved up for the car, whether you want to buy it new or used, and if you are opting for a mortgage, be sure it’s an amount you can pay back monthly or as agreed.

Your budget will influence what type of car you will eventually go home with, and you can always get the best offer within the ambit of your means without wasting your time or that of the dealer.

  1. Be Realistic About Your Transport Needs

Think in the long term before buying your first car and other monthly expenses like the cost of annual insurance of first car, maintenance cost, monthly parking fees, etc. Big vehicles will cost more to keep up with in every way, hence ensure you’re choosing a car that can fulfil your transport needs at a price you can afford.

  1. Buy From A Trusted Dealer

As a first-time buyer, some of the factors you’ll want to consider in a choice car include: the price of the car, its comfort, convenience, and the condition of the vehicle (especially when it is a used one)

Car dealers specialize in selling new or used cars, and they provide car maintenance services for vehicles in their custody. They oversee the smooth documentation involved in the transfer of ownership and car registration.

Buying your car from a trusted dealer is also one sure way to meet your demands. And it’s beneficial as against buying from a private seller because dealers also offer warranty protection. Make a proper finding or ask for a referral from a friend when looking for a reliable dealer.

  1. Prioritize Your Goal

What functions and features have you always envisioned in your first-ever car? Let the car be one you will enjoy driving around, even if it would mean extending the time frame of your savings, and that can only happen when you clarify and prioritize your goals and wants in your dream car.

  1. Savor The Moment

Think about the fact that you have just one opportunity in your whole life as a “First-time Car Buyer,” more reason why you should enjoy every awakening moment of the process. Also, learn as much as you can while at it.

  1. Take A Test Drive

A test drive is your opportunity to drive your first-car for a short time frame to know if a car is reliable and suits your needs before signing up for it. Of course, you will need to take your driving license along, as it is a prerequisite for test drives.

During the test drive, take cognizance of the wheel alignment, control layout, seat adjustment, and other features that ensure comfort, as it would help you decide whether to buy or forgo the car.

  1. Find Out The Real Purchase Price

You don’t want to pay heavily for a vehicle; that you could have bought at a far lesser price. Hence, it is necessary to make the proper findings to evaluate the asking price. It is possible to know the precise amount to pay, but it is your responsibility to find out.

  1. Do Proper Research

Before approaching a car dealer in Ireland, first, gather as much information as possible online, and read extensively on the features of your proposed car. Ask questions from friends and family who can share with you their first-time car purchase experience. It would do you a lot of good.

  1. Factor In Your Monthly Expenses

Cars require maintenance and proper servicing to serve you in the long haul. Hence, it is necessary to check that you can include these expenses in your monthly budget without running into serious debts.
Every first-time car buyer in Ireland who has followed this guide always has a positive story and experience to share. You also can follow these tips for a satisfactory first-time buying experience.