By Floxx Media Group
A start-up with humble roots (in the CEO’s bedroom to be precise), Floxx recently made the move to an office in the Shoreditch area. One of the reasons for the move was to be nearer to the ‘Silicon Roundabout’, the nickname for the lively tech scene centred around the Old Street roundabout. The ‘Ditch didn’t disappoint, and we soon found ourselves immersed in the vibrant tech scene.
Home to places like TechHub (which houses TechCrunch’s European arm and is sponsored by Google…‘nuff said) and countless other start-ups, the area is ripe with opportunities to network, get advice from people who’ve ‘been there, man’, and collaborate with similar-minded organisations.
Of course, we’re not the only ones to have noticed that – there’s a plethora of meet-ups, gatherings, kickbacks, parties and box socials around Silicon Roundabout. Most of these involve a play on words – two such examples are the Silicon Throwabout (techies who play ultimate Frisbee) and the Silicon Drinkabout (techies who drink to excess). We’re pushing for an underground Fight Club called Silicon Roundhouse, although it’s just a pipe dream – for now.
However, you know what the really strange thing is? This bunch of techies, geeks (it’s OK to call people that since the whole ‘geek-chic’ phenomenon, right?) programmers, marketers and all the rest actually know how to party. The atmosphere isn’t competitive or bitter, as one might expect, but rather one of advice and nurturing. In the cutthroat world of business that’s a pretty rare thing to find; but, like many things one can’t find elsewhere, you can find it in Shoreditch!
Floxx Media Group
Floxx Media Group was founded in 2010 by Rich Martell. The group’s first project, ‘FitFinder’ (a location-based micro-blogging site where people posted about attractive people in the area), gathered significant media attention after Martell was fined £300 for bringing his University into ‘disrepute’. Floxx’s passion is to enable people to interact with others in certain locations in real-time, whether or not they are already known to the user.