Graffiti wall for World Day Against Child Labor

UNICEF estimates that 150 million children worldwide are engaged in child labor. While this has been a growing topic, there is still much more to be done for children around the world. The Child Labor Free group believes that to make a real impact there needs to be brands to create a positive movement. Brands need to step up and set an industry standard of ‘child labor free’ to help spread the message. This can only be done through consumer led demand.

Each street art featured on the graffiti wall is done by Victoria Villasana and Zabou. For the next two weeks the walls will be up for anyone to come by and few the different images. There are currently limited edition t-shirts available for purchase. Proceeds will go towards the development of a Child Labor Free child care centre. The centre will help high risk children in the red light district of Kolkata, India.