OTHER Pt.1 Survival: Aida Wilde’s Defiant New Exhibition Challenges Identity and Belonging in East London
Interview: we caught up with screen printing artist Russell Marshall Giulia Bassanese·06/11/2017Following the release of ‘Prince – Purple Reign‘, a mug shot print by Russell Marshall that captures that...
Day-Z: Where Street Art Meets the Classics Giulia Bassanese·19/10/2017Day-Z ’s mind is constantly overflowing with ideas. They come so quickly and unexpectedly that she struggles to...
An encounter with painter Astrid Oudheusden Giulia Bassanese·09/10/2017Astrid Oudheusden is a Dutch painter based in Amsterdam, where she has been incessantly drawing and painting since finishing...
Interview with Velapp founder David de Min MiS·01/09/2017David de Min is a rising star in the tech world who is bringing a new video editing...
Interview with Fatos Ustek, Curator of Art Night 2017 Ben Garrod·06/06/2017Art Night is a free, contemporary art festival that stages events in extraordinary locations around London for one night...
#BestInShoreditch: Interview with jj Media CEO – Josh Jones MiS·12/04/2017G: Tell us about jj Media Group. jj Media Group is the UK’s largest production services company. We...
A Certain Look: Interview with Jody and Bayo Furlong, founders of The Eye Agency Natasha Levy·25/05/2016Based in the heart of Shoreditch, The Eye is a casting, modelling and street scouting agency that has...
ILLUSTRATED2016: Interview with Michael Howard Lauren Kelliher·14/04/2016Your work effortlessly communicates a range of familiar emotions. Where does your raw emotive style stem from? A...
Interview with Ryan Sampson aka Grumio from ‘Plebs’ Giedrius Ivanauskas·11/04/2016What did inspire you to become an actor? My Mum – well, not inspire exactly, but she made...
Backstage secrets: Interview with wristband makers ID&C MiS·09/04/2016Tell us about your business? We are a wristband and accreditation company that have been working with festivals...
1972: The Future of Sex – Interview with Tom Brennan of The Wardrobe Ensemble MiS·09/04/2016Tell us about The Wardrobe Ensemble Theatre Company, what did inspire you to start it? Well, unlike many...
Interview with Tony Kitous, founder of Comptoir Libanais MiS·05/04/2016Comptoir Libanais offers an all-day dining experience serving home-style Lebanese and Middle Eastern cuisine. The food is healthy, fresh...