Victoria Park Singers Bring ‘The Gift of Song’ to East London in a Charity Concert for St Joseph’s Hospice
Artist Yulia Lisle paints her world Erica Dischino·25/04/2024Oil painting has often become a lost art form that many people have lost track of how to use....
Artist Paul Corfield paints beautiful landscapes Erica Dischino·20/06/2022Ever saw a painting so beautiful you wanted to jump right in? That’s how we felt after seeing...
Artist Alex Andreev creates surreal landscapes Erica Dischino·17/01/2022Sometimes, reality just isn’t enough. In Alex Andreev‘s series “Trailing Gardens,” the artist captures the whimsy of the fantasy and...
Angelo Bressanutti’s minimalist photos humanize objects Erica Dischino·02/01/2022Sometimes less is more. That’s Angelo Bressanutti‘s motto when is comes to photography. In his series “Daily Notebook,”...
Photographer Ricardo Takamura drives back to the 70s Erica Dischino·31/12/2021When picturing the 70s, most people automatically refer to the iconic blue Volkswagen van. In his series titled...
Realistic paintings capture water and women Erica Dischino·28/12/2021Swimming is one of the most relaxing activities to do on a hot summer day. The cool water...
Photographer Andy Yeun captures the city in a new way Erica Dischino·27/12/2021Want to see your city in a new way? Photographer Andy Yeun captured one of the world’s most...
Artist Daniel Arsham shows us the future through sculpture Erica Dischino·24/12/2021In artist Daniel Arsham‘s exhibition titled The Future Was Then, he uses various wall excavations to put his audience...
Realistic paintings of rainy New York City Erica Dischino·10/11/2021Ever saw a painting so real you thought it was a photograph? Artist Karen Woods painted hyperreal images...
Said Dagdeviren uses GIFs to show our environmental impact Erica Dischino·09/11/2021GIFs are used across the internet. If you open any form of social media, you’ll find some sort...
Lois Greenfield’s dance photography captures moments unseen Erica Dischino·08/11/2021Dance is movement, defiance of gravity, and presence of space. While in the air, a dancer’s movement happens so rapidly...
Artist Jaime Sanjuan still paints with her fingers Erica Dischino·02/09/2021Artist Jaime Sanjuan doesn’t use brushes for her paintings; she uses her fingers. Sanjuan creates realistic paintings through...